Notes from the Book: Jung, Synchronicity and Human Destiny~The Archetype of the Magical Effect

Reflective notes:

Archetype of the Magical Effect

Thus I  have found the diamond within this book by Ira Progoff.  Jung calls it the Archetype of the Magical Effect. To understand this concept one has to bring up the background of how it works. This is a beginning study of something that intuitively is part of us as human beings. Some are more awake to it than others. This is not a good or bad thing, a smarter or more gifted thing,  or anything like that.

It is based on curiosity and the desire to  focus on something that I find fascinating, and to explain feelings and ideals I could never quite grasp before.

I would like to start with what Carl Jung says about us as human beings. He says we have four levels.

1. Ego Consciousness which is at the surface.

2. The Personal unconscious which is just below this.

3. The Collective unconscious which extends for a great dept below this. It is called the transpersonal level.

4. The Base is called the Psychoid.  This is the level that is the very realm of nature itself

Next is the idea of self. Jung calls this the self r and the self R.

The Self r is the ground of human reality. The basis for all the phenomenon that the sciences of man undertake to study.

The Self R is what ‘Leibniz’ called the pre-established harmony. The Tao. It is the encompassing unity in which and by means of which the macrocosm and the microcosm participate in each other and specifically by which the ultimate realities of the universe are expressed and reflected in the life of the human individual.” (pg 113) (Neoplatonism… maybe?)

Now with the above information one can grasp a better understanding of the archetype of the magical effect.  Also one needs to  understand  numinoisty.  I will call it a place of the supernatural.  The below quote describes the archetype.

When a numinous event occurs, therefore, it draws a large concentration of psychic energy around it. This energy constellates around the archetype symbol that is active as the effective center of the experience. A complex, or cluster, of psychic contents is thus formed at this point. As the energies available to the psyche are drawn together in one part of the psyche, the other areas are left more or less depleted. (pg 109)

The blend is genius

In conclusion I find this a very fulfilling exercise in trying to understand this experience. Archetypes are numinous and correspond with nature,  human beings and the universe. It is an all inclusive correspondence and we all have the ability to become aware of it and this helps me to understand better my place in the whole of the creative universe.  It is empirical and far-reaching and magical. The blend is genius.!!

Quotes from @ Jung, Synchronicity and Human Destiny by IRA Progoff

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