Longs days of August..

“If all the world hated you, and believed you wicked, while your own conscience approved you, and absolved you from guilt, you would not be without friends.”
– Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre

VW Station Wagon Oceanside 2013 by Hudley
VW Station Wagon Oceanside 2013 by Hudley

Talking is not my cup of tea. I drink beer to help me to be more social. To loosen my intense ego from my reflective brain. Beer is a good way to loosen up and talk.

I was told recently that beer, and the process of making beer, contains an evil spirit… I almost broke out with a laughter that would have showed how possessed I was…

I talk best by writing. Good writing contains threads and archetypes that echo real-life. I love reading autobiographies and embellished non-fiction stories.

Mythologies and fairy tales reach to the heart of a great mystery. This is why I started this blog. To work on writing and to tell my story. To not listen to the bullies in my head that come my way saying:

“You are not good enough to write”

I do it anyway.

“You are lousy at spelling”

I do it anyway.

“Your grammar sucks.”

I do it anyway.

“You will be laughed at and people will hate what you say.”

I do it anyway.

Writing a book or a blog just for ego acknowledgement is not my motive here. I want to inspire. I am inspired by others and by life. I want to remember and reach deep down and pull out something that matters… that is real.

I am happiest when I am writing. It would be a good thing to be able to make some money doing it.

Some are quick to write and come out with a book, I am very slow about it.  It is the dreaming, writing and being in the process…that inspires me. I have found from past experience that completion sometimes is not always as joyous or good as the process.  Being lost in writing a story, creating a piece of art, or creating something in general is my cup of tea!!

Daily Prompt: Origin Story

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