Pluto Love

As Pluto movies into Aquarius, it is important to engage the subject. I have a contention with Pluto that is difficult to explain but as a woman I have learned to address him as part of my “animus.” In Jungian terms, the male within me. The rebellion in me is contained in a proper place now. Where love is the foundation of the amber that holds this male power at the edge.

So, I mention these two posts, ‘Pluto Love’ and ‘Electric Honey: The Heart is more than a muscle,” as my understanding or my ‘outward into the world communication.’

Pluto is in my natal 10th house. Personally, and generationally, I honor this. Love is the key to all of this and needs to be amplified with Pluto.

“To improve the external situation in the world, we must begin by accepting that world as a mother accepts her child; to improve our intimacies, we much extend the same benevolence to ourselves. The acceptance we must cultivate is the same: the emphasis remains on the inner world.

As Carl Jung pointed out,

“The upheaval in our world and the upheaval in consciousness is one and the same.”

We must come home to ourselves with a mothering acceptance, and so give birth to ourselves with a mothering acceptance, and so give birth to true emotion, the basis of all true intimacy.”

Pg. 129 Astrology Beyond Ego – Tim Lyons

The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies was made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of star stuff.”

– Carl Sagan

I am often confronted by Astrologers and critiqued. As I am not one, I am an esoteric student that has built a relationship with our planets in an extramundane way. As with Venus and Pluto, that pulls at us aware or at us very unaware.

Through logarithms, math, and aspects or otherwise.

For me it is my creative imagination, dreams, and myths. This is my formula or elixir.

I am forewarned by a dream that helped me understand this dynamic relationship. It is ancient, old as the light and the darkness, the male and the feminine or Gods and Goddesses.

Life and death, peace and war, power and truth all play in this drama in our souls, in the world and out in the cosmos.

It is a mystery that we all face… and we all must pass through this initiation of our evolution.

th (22) while back I had a scary dream. I was with a group of people. We were all running from evil monster zombies. The feeling was dread. We found a train and traveled to the country. It was horrid. The thought of death approaching was a sickness in us all. We found a cabin in the countryside. I had my white cat Mr. Po Po with me.

He ran from the cabin out into the darkness of the night. The zombies were there. The monsters were close. I had to run after my cat. Terrified I ran out into these monsters of chaos and fear beyond enduring. As I found my cat. I hugged him. I was confronted by the evil that pursued us. Everything stopped. I looked into death and he said this to me,

“I cannot hurt you with that cat.

You all run in fear and hate

Yet there in your hands is your love

I cannot touch you or harm you with love.”

th (23) was overwhelmed with dread, then fear, and then I felt only my cat’s love. I walked slowly back into the cabin and told the others what happened to Mr. Po Po and me.  We all sat in a circle and held hands. We now knew what to do.

w e sang a new song.

Pluto and the underworld.
Pluto and death.
Pluto and nuclear weapons.
Pluto and power of the underground.
Pluto and transmutation.

Pluto loves Persephone!


Orfeo ed Euridice, Wq. 30: Act II, Scene 2: “Torna, o bella” (Chorus)

Translated… I hope this is correct!

“Come to the realms of bliss,

great hero, tender husband,

rare example in any age!

Amor returns Eurydice to you;

already she revives and recovers

all the flower of her beauty.”

RIP Mr. Po Po and thank you!

8 thoughts on “Pluto Love

  1. Reblogged this on The Seminary of Praying Mantis and commented:

    Right now moment. With Venus on the midheaven and Pluto below on the Nadir, I think it might be a strange time for us all. Yet, I know that Pluto loves Persephone. She is a reference point here. She is of the earth as we are. She symbolizes humanity and the earth is moved by her visits to the underworld and on top of physical reality as spring and summer. A love affair to study!! To study and learn. This is an amazing time for an old bard as myself to share this. It is a continuity that is very ancient. Take it as you will… myth or knowledge… wisdom to some… a nice story to follow on this subject. One of my favorite posts.

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