steps of the wolf…

Purple azalea

Intense, I read and dream upon the steps of the wolf. I wonder if it is a good time? Yes I think so: as a few friends have inspired me back here again. An astrologer who says it is a good time to take a spiritual journey, and another who just took up the book. A drive into the windy day and weekend. It is has the feeling of riding a swing… ignoring the world’s woes. The alternative still is alive…

“I caught a glimpse of it now and then. Sometimes for a minute or two I saw it clearly, threading my life like a divine and golden track. But nearly always it was blurred in dirt and dust. Then again it gleamed out in golden sparks as though never to be lost again and yet was soon quite lost once more…”

Pg. 30 Par. 1 Hermann Hesse, Steppenwolf

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