Sedna’s Signature

Sedna’s Signature Great Ocean Mother,
I call upon you to grace my shores.
I make myself as still as sand,
who knows the patience of millennia,
having been ground down to my essential parts.
I wait my turn at the edge of known things
that you might soak me with your rising swell.
I wish for nothing but to be dislodged by your power
perhaps even carried into your depths for the chance
at a glimpse of your underlie.
May I be taken into your possession,
even for a moment, to know the absence of my gravity
and participation in your rhythms and contractions.
May my body be for what it was intended:
an expression of your grace.
And what small ways I make with this poetry —
what songs and friendships I form — what migrations
and ripples I disturb in the world —
may they have something of your signature on them.
May the you that has touched me go on multiplying
in your phenomenal mathematics until we are all suffused
with awe at your vastness within us.

~Turner, Toko-pa. Belonging: Remembering Ourselves home (Kindle Locations 1498-1505). Her Own Room Press. Kindle Edition

Astrology Astronomy

“There is…a curious synchronicity between the time when the planet is discovered and the emergence in society of values and experiences which the planet represents symbolically. It is as though the planet breaks upon consciousness in both a literal and symbolic way. I cannot really answer you as to why Uranus is called Uranus [Prometheus] and Neptune, Neptune. I can only say that in some mysterious fashion they get the names right.”

Source Below

From 1865 through till 1966 Sedna traveled through Aries. This hundred-year period saw the emancipation of women around the world, beginning with the forming of the suffragist movement and ending with the bra burning women’s libbers of the sixties. This seems an appropriate illustration of the collective influence that Sedna has. (Remember as a goddess in the myth, she cared for her people as a collective)

In 1966 Sedna gradually made her way into Taurus, where she remains today. So, what can Sedna in Taurus hold for the collective influence of humanity? Taurus governs things that we value, to my thinking it is likely that our values will change and become increasingly orientated towards spiritual considerations during the next hundred years.

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