Flopside Comic workers are happy…

Supreme Court says gay, transgender workers are protected by federal law forbidding discrimination on the basis of sex.

Mr. Fuck the recluse has not been around for some time. He is underground in our bomb shelter. He comes out at night on trash night to go through people’s trash for food. He practices “freeganism.” Sometimes he asks me for cigarettes and a beer. I guess he does keep up with the news and today I saw him out in the bright of the day with his pussy hat on, with purple gloves and black mask. He wears them going through trash, has for years. Anyway, he was happy to embrace the only good news out for some time. Here is a portrait he let me do of him awhile back. I put my speakers close to the window so we could dance to his favorite song… then he went back down into our bomb shelter. Do not know when he will pop up again. He is kind of like the wild raccoons and possums and praying mantis … they are on their own schedules… occasionally they let themselves be seen in our garden. He is clean and collects plastic bags to throw his waste and trash away. He is a lot like having a cat around, but he cleans up after himself. I used to love to hug him. A good fight now and then too.

~ Mr. Shit

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