Astrology & Psychotherapy. Both can be part of our active imagination!

Get in there, kid and snap them

This is a sincere response to a post that I put up on an Astrologer’s Facebook site. No reprise from him and then he deleted my post response. Hurt, because I share the pivotal moments or the beginnings of this subject.

Is it because I wrote about other books besides the ones which this astrologer was promoting… who knows? I thought it was worth documenting.

It does not take an expert astrologer or Jungian therapist to understand the profoundly deep connection between astrology and psychology. I am an artist, mystic and layperson on the subject.

As once a probationer and member of the Oceanside California Rosicrucian Fellowship I studied Max Heindel’s book “Message of the Stars.” I also have read and reflected on Carl Jung’s books. “Red Book: Liber Novus” and his recently published “Black Books” are on my bookshelves.

I cannot express the full influence which both Max and Jung’s books have had on me. Both being a part of my life for over 30 years. I made the connection within myself. Yes before Liz’s well researched and authored book.

It is quite remarkable.

Recently through a friend I found out about Liz Green’s book “Jung’s Studies in Astrology” and was amazed to find out that Jung wrote into the very same Oceanside California based Rosicrucian Fellowship in his pursuit of understanding astrology.

It was part of his process in creating the Liber Novus. The Rosicrucian Fellowship has a correspondence course in Astrology. Close to over one hundred years now. Yes, the fellowship still offers the same astrology course. Historically,

it is amazing that Jung wrote into the Fellowship. It is a fact-based story. It is quite overwhelming to me. I somehow knew the connection personally. All facts now presented in Liz’s book. I have posted about this before too. It is important to me.

I enjoy your insight and I agree with you in your professionally written Astrology and Psychotherapy article. I have experienced it firsthand for years. Thank you for sharing.

I use astrology in a creative way. I take Jung’s concept of “Active Imagination” to engage in a relationship with the planets of astrology of our solar system and beyond. Just one reason I know it is an exceptionally good connection to have.

Thank You


It’s so obvious, it’s here, it’s there
It’s not just the color, it must be more
At least 17 plus 3 score, this is 77
Nearly heaven, it’s black, white and pink

Just think, there’s more to come
Hum hum hum hum, it’s so obvious

Well it’s alright, listen, can’t wait for 78
God, those RPM, can’t wait for them
Don’t just watch, hours happen
Get in there, kid and snap them

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