The Rosy Fellowship and Carl Jung

In the early 1980s as a wild crazy looking punk chick The Rosy Fellowship let me in and loved me even though I was very wild. They included me and I grew to love them, trust them, and learned from them.

Life is good and sometimes it is bad. Today I had an old-fashioned Marie Calender’s chicken pot pie and I listened to the Saints. One of my favorite songs drummed by Ivory Hays…

For over forty years I have had both Max Heindel and Carl Jung books dancing upon my bookshelves.

A friend brought them together for me in a book. I had already brought them together in myself and often that contrary element was there. Yet the two I speak of have come together in so many profound ways.

The holy grail, the philosophers stone, astrology, philosophy, psyche, soul, myths, magic, mysticism, occultism, good character building and individuation. Hope from despair, unconsciousness towards consciousness. The strange elements of light, darkness, and shadow play. The real world of freedom and responsibility.

Max Heindel

At the same time, I have been asked to go back to the beginning. To start over to be punished for all my studying, prayers, and service. What was inspiration having all turned to dogma.

In the book I speak of it has brought together Max and Jung through a journey like mine.

For Jung it was a walk with astrology and theosophy where he found Max and the Rosicrucian Fellowship in Oceanside California. He took a correspondence course to learn Astrology there. Me too, how wonderful this is to know.

Carl Jung

I also took the same train from Los Angeles to Oceanside for visits. The same journey as Max and his wife Augusta Foss. She too was a profound astrologer.

I knew that they held a connection within me but now I have the proof outside of me with facts, documents and much more.

Jung included everyone with his words and the more I study him and his works I find a similar rich world that is within me and outside of me… both Max and Jung helped me to come forward from inside of me to outside of me… as my soul and my creativity… in a punk controlled measure like a good Saints song.

The world is in a constant state of contraries. It is up to each person to find balance. Today is a contrary day for me of great joy and great sadness.

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