The Call Of the Holy Baubo Protagonist!

The call of holy Baubo is strong now

The evil shadow of history comes forward again…

The highest court of our land is making it impossible for women to care for their own bodies. When women are deflowered or devalued it is time to look at the other sex… the male, especially all conservative moronic males, and their bitches…. Time to address their sperm and ask the big question,

“If a man gets a woman pregnant without the holy affirming blessing of the great Baubo herself, then off with his balls, or head … whichever. What do you think about that justice?”

– A Flopside Comic- crew rhetorical question !

Over the last few years I have work with the image, ideal, psychology, mythology or biology of Baubo. I found out about her from a course I took at Mount Saint Mary’s College in Los Angeles for a Master in Religious Studies. It was a course entitled archeology and female goddesses.

I made a FLopside Comic awhile back with my art. A FLopside Bubblegum comic.

LAMPOONERY~ Baubo Protagonist

Baubo Protagonist

Baubo’s theme song…. always and forever.

Ilomantis ginsburgae.

Women’s History Month


Here at The Seminary Of Praying Mantis Publishing / Flopside Comics we grieve Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death and we hope she inspires other women to her high and noble real life ideals of living justice.

She was not the first woman justice, but she was the first voice for women’s justice.

On leadership

“Fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.”

~Ruth Bader Ginsburg

“Ilomantis ginsburgae is a new species of leaf-dwelling praying mantis from Madagascar. Scientists from The Cleveland Museum of Natural History named the new species to honor Ruth Bader Ginsburg, associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, for her relentless fight for gender equality.

– Credit: Rick Wherley, Cleveland Museum of Natural History.”

The Philosophy of Love

Diotima of Mantinea

The name Diotima means one who honors or is honored by Zeus, and her descriptor as “Mantinikê” (Mantinean) seems designed to draw attention to the word “mantis”, which suggests an association with prophecy.

“The Philosophy of Love”

“Then at last man will behold beauty with the eye of the mind and will be able to bring forth not mere images of what is good for man but realities… Would that be an ignoble life Socrates?”

~Diotima of Mantinea

Daily Fuck Gazette Jared is a donkey’s behind…

“How Jared Kushner could in one day cut help and relief to the U.N.R.W. A. program is so cruel, ” said Mr. Dang.

“It seems the prejudice he shows against the Palestinians is clear,” rumpled Pee Wee Gutter.

“I really think we need to support more and control less. I remind you that Jared Kushner’s father paid 2 million dollars for Jared’s enrollment at Harvard. Jared is a donkey’s behind., with no integrity, like his father-in-law. A cruel, uncaring person  without a conscience.” Yelled Mr. Crap.

A special power-up Super hero from Flopside Comics…

A promise of bliss and orgasmic creative variables for the incorruptible !

You know what I’m talking ’bout!


Pancakes… in the hot oil…

reputations !!

and have become pancakes with pesto… Testaroli..  with pesto and garlic… and lots of cheese…. eat them down Mr. Trump…. hahahahah poor Rudy and Emmet…

Daily Fuck Gazette Babbbbbbay! Summer Funnies

Don’t forget we have been spreading the satire for years… and have a few bubblegum Flopside COmics that highlight this complete unenlightened asshole of extreme degrees…

th (11)

Check all 13 on Friday the 13th 2018 … your fucking luckiest of days…..


A “Daily Fuck Gazette” Limerick

Uppity dubiety Scott Pruitt purines

Eat your prunes you’re a greedy old man

Lotion on your bottom

Sleeping in a used bed

Will not get you any respect

The day you’re found dead!

Uppity dubiety Scott Pruitt purines

Chicken finger frenzies

lost in your gloom

Uppity dubiety Scott Pruitt purines!