“Prometheus” a poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Cover Your heavens, Zeus,

With cloud vapor

And try Your strike, as a boy

Beheading thistles,

Against oaken tree and mountain height;

You still must leave me

My Earth standing

And my hut which You did not build,

And my hearth, home’s glowing

Fire which You begrudge me.

I know of nothing poorer

Under the sun than You gods!

Indigently You feed

Your majesty

On proffered sacrifice

And breathfuls of prayer.

You would starve to naught

If children and beggars

Were not such fools full of hope.

When I was a child

That knew not its way in the world

I would lift my deluded eyes

To the sun as though out beyond it

There were an ear to hear my complaints

A heart like mine

That would take pity on my oppression.

Who came to my aid

Against the Titans’ and their insolent rage?

Who delivered me from death,

From slavery?

Was it not you, sacred heart ablaze,

Who achieved it all?

And, swindled in your youth and good will,

Did you not glow, with thanks fit for a Savior,

For that mere Sleeper on high?

I should honor You? For what?

Did You ever gentle

The ache of my burden?

Did You ever dry

The tears of tribulation?

Was I not forged to manhood

By Time Almighty

And Eternal Destiny,

My masters and Yours?

Perhaps You believed

I should find life hateful,

And flee to the wilderness

Because not all my blossom-dreams

Reached ripeness?


Here I sit, fashioning men

In my own image,

A race after my likeness,

A race that will suffer and weep,

And rejoice and delight with heads held high

And heed Your will no more

Than I!

Jupiter-Uranus Conjunctions in History, with Richard Tarnas

April 21, 2024


Active Imagination

“Active imagination refers to a process or technique of engaging with the ideas or imaginings of one’s mind. It is used as a mental strategy to communicate with the subconscious mind. In Jungian psychology, it is a method for bridging the conscious and unconscious minds. Instead of being linked to the Jungian process, the word “active imagination” in modern psychology is most frequently used to describe a propensity to have a very creative and present imagination. It is thought to be a crucial aid in the process of individuation.”


I am having a challenging time with this Mercury Retrograde. So, I decided to take some skills I have learned over the years with “active imagination.” I did engage in communication with the planet on various levels. As a planet, an intellectual being (very Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,) astrology and astronomy.

I came to an interesting dialogue with the simple ideas of; don’t force things, go with the flow, and enjoy reflection with an awareness of what lessons are essential to learn.

The most interesting thing came the next morning when my geophysics son explained to me how things move in space.

When rockets leave the earth, they do not travel in a straight line but in a circular one even a spiral. And gravity in space can be used as an advantage or as a good kind of disadvantage in space travel.

Again, he told me some things about Mercury, the closest planet to the sun. I did not realize that it is smaller than our moon and of course has no moons of its own.

Mercury based on Mercurius, that is a lot to learn here, is always open to this type of intelligent awareness and dialogue. You should try it. Be astounded by Mercury Retrograde’s curious responses.

The mystery is accepted!

Wild flower in my garden comes forth singing Coyote’s song…

Does it seem braggadocio to say that I am no longer searching.

Blake, Jung and The Divine Comedy no longer guide me? All the religiosity I have learned pales in comparison to what I found within myself … nature, mother father God … the medicine wheel, praying mantis, Dionysus. 

The mystery is accepted! Creativity and the simple things in life guide me. 

I still have ambitions and needs which inspire me but it is different now. 

All the emotions play now… a compassionate nature almost crescendo at times … but passes.

A connection to the earth and the cosmos. 

I’m heard and I hear … 

As wild lovely flower! 

Dishonesty Unsociable

A little Divine Comedyesque.


(Idiot People Organization)

If he is being called a Christ. He must be crucified like a Christ.”

The smell of Whiskey flowered through the Spring air during holy week.

Mr. Fuck came out of his bomb shelter to share a campaign truth for a free shot of Whiskey.

And so, his buddies Mr. Crap and Mr. Shit started going through old comics and did a little recycling.

The rebirth of art is child’s play but very uplifting.

Flopside Comics Be More than a Saint, I mean Asshole..

(Spear of destiny the holy lance)

William Blake at the Getty Center

Hear the cutting of the trees,

The loud metal machines.

shredding softer bark and home

Of birds and Opossum.

Nature is often raped.

And with no thought

But a job to be done.

No morality or awareness

Kindness or prayer.

My heart breaks.

Again, and aging.

So, I offer this prayer.

To the trees

Of the east, south, west, and north…

I love you and I am sorry.

That so many humans

Are so cruel and uncaring and slow to your suffering.

William Blake

I asked two people what brought them to see Blake today ?

An older man with a cane and a hat looked at me obtrusively and said,

“Why not?”

A middle aged woman told me,

“I have been drawn to the colors in his watercolors.”

A man with a bright English dialect was very polite when we shared some words in front of Blake’s Divine Comedy watercolors.

“Larger than I suspected.” I declared.

He responded,

“I am here with my daughter and her friend. I think he will like this. His name is Dante.”

I danced through the images as I scanned it all with my soul’s eye!

So much Blake is like too much cake.

I’ve spent the next day reviewing and recovering.

I did not find his glowing eyes nor did I see an angelic being.

There in the museum,

as I do in my simple imagination.



The archetype of the success of the alchemical work was the androgyne, the balanced co-mingling of opposites. As we have seen, Ariadne’s own animus is activated positively, while Dionysos himself, blends the features of both sexes, along with being in positive relationship to the Earth Mother and the feminine. Each thus represents a balance of masculine and feminine within themselves and together they form two wholes in harmonious union, rather than two incomplete halves to one whole. Ariadne, a whole, rather than half, psychologically illustrates the Jungian goal of Individuation.

GO To The Garden

New category for posts that concur with the many film-doodles I do.

Film Doodling by Hudely Flipside

It is the creative endeavor that is real and mine to share.  

I love my garden and am so close to the ways of nature. Yet as a human being I endure the other man-made things. It is a life I was born to. Yet I think we can learn the power of nature by listening and hoping for the best to inspire us to be better human beings.

I think there is a relationship with how nature is and us in general. Our feelings and emotions.

Yet often even though nature speaks to us we don’t listen.

As I am a listener and follow the ways of ancient traditions I like to share.

Creatively embracing and helping for a better world.

Wild ways, music and nature are how I endure and so it goes.

Holding Integrity Up

A current adventure with our internet service and adjourning phone line is my issue today.

I’ve been paying the same amount since we set up the service. I then noticed September’s bill increase by about twenty dollars.

I called my service to ask why in August after I got the bill. It was explained to me that the company decided to up an overall five dollar increase to all their customers who use their phone service. This of course increased many other things. The dynamo increase of those pesky taxes too.

So I nicely had the phone taken off our plan. I talked to a nice representative and technician who did the work and told me that September’s bill would decrease, and I would pay less.

I told the representative,

“I only receive robot calls from the same companies and scams. I then must play the nasty game of telling them I am from Mars.”

She laughed at that and understood.

I know the bill is due today and had not received a notice or new bill. I went online to see our bill, and nothing had changed. So, in my little “good grief,” I called the server back once more.

I was told in an argumentative debate that they base their bills on “prorating” the past month.

“The practice of prorating can apply in many areas, from billing for services to paying out dividends or allocating business partnership income. Pro rata is calculated by dividing the instance of an item by the maximum quantity of that item. This ratio can then be applied to any related item to find the same proportion.”

I told this person that is not what I was told. They told me when I cancelled the service that I would not have to pay the full amount and then I would receive a new bill for September.

They did the run around or indirectly blamed me for not listening to them. Yet I felt like they were not listening to me and trying to get me to agree with them even though my guts knew they were bold face liars. 

I think I talked to a supervisor who was the same. So, after some debate she told me she would do me a favor and give me a onetime discount waiver.

“I sure had to work hard for those twenty dollars.”

I paid the whole bill anyway out of that shadowy doubt of guilt.

I called back again to see if in fact I got that waiver and if in fact the phone line was cancelled.

The new representative told me that it was all good and told me how my bill next month included the waiver. This means I got my money back.

I told the conversation I had with another representative who told me that I would have to pay the full amount this month due to the word “prorating.”

She then told me an amazing thing. That they do not do that and that they go by each month. So, I was in fact told a lie. We laughed over it, and I filed a complaint that did go forward to the other representative. I felt good about that.

This new representative had style. She told me to look on my bill on page four and so I did and read this,

“… in accordance with the…. Conditions of Service, …. Services are billed on a monthly basis.”

Yes, no mention of prorating.

I had a wonderful moment.

The moral of this real-life experience is this, if you don’t say something and just let someone else tell you something else for you to believe, believe in yourself first. Don’t be bullied, influenced, or rejected without following through to the wonderful conclusion in believing in yourself.

1972 a very good year…

The good bridge of balance

I was born with foresight. It was a natural part of my DNA, and it cursed me because no one from my family explained it to me. I found the answers through books, TV and others with this value of seeing life.

A curse because there are things in our lives that hold certain degrees of pain that cling to us. For me it was foresight. Knowing things before they happened. An intuitive knowing that plagued me without being able to put words to what it was.

Then in time I learned to hold on to my foresight. Waiting for found explanation to my confusion. Other friends and family looked at me cross-eyed with wonder or doubt.

Now that I am 65 years old, I see it as a gift of foresight, for that is what it is now, it reveals to me that I was OK.

I can use my active imagination to go back and be the person that listens and tries to understand. Because the youthful me needs to be heard.

It has come around to be a blessing that I will confirm as good. Now is a time to reap what I have sown. Building on this magical nature that many of us share.

It is my Cornish character, maybe. I hope to encourage others here to listen to their foresight. It is so human and feminine. An honorable part of who we are.

To bend back and embrace all the past, present and future.

The good bridge of balance.

White Albino Pigeon …DOVE of Peace

In fact, pigeons live on every continent except Antarctica. However, seeing a white pigeon is rare even as only 1 % are all white. The White Albino Pigeon has special symbolic meaning for people all around the world.

Tonight about 7:30 PM I went out for a short swim to cool off. The sun was hot and up closer to the west of the horizon.

I saw a new bird high on the telephone wire. One I had not viewed before. The bird was intensely white and had a soft aura about it. I thought it was larger than a dove or pigeon. Yet with a small, charming head and beak.

Slowly this bird came closer and closer as my body was covered in water up to my head. A few times this bird flew over me and around me. It landed on the pool side table’s umbrella. Then flew down on the ground across the pool from me.

Walking around the pool closer to me. It pulled its head down to take a drink of water from the small Jacuzzi. I was standing very calmly in the water and saw that this bird had very black eyes and moved its head round as eyes were blinking. Seemed to me a kind of Morse Code. Staring at me for long moments of time.

Looking this way and that way expecting movement from any variable possible before flight if necessary. Here in the same parallel line, I found a praying mantis exoskeleton floating on the tip of the water.

We spent a good 30 minutes this way and the white bird flew up on a telephone line. I watched and waited until the white albino peace bird was out of sight from my view. An amazing experience, incredibly special and very overwhelming.

I’ve lived here 24 years, and this is the first time this beautiful creature, with golden leg bracelets, ever visited me. A focused bird, unafraid and deliberate. Not showing interest in the ravens’ food or songbirds’ water bath.

“Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Carl Gustav Jung believed in our unconscious communicating with our conscious through symbols. Birds play a huge part in this archetypal symbolism as they represent the space of air, and this is a bridge between the human and spirit world.”

– general in-depth perception… open to interpretation!

The White Birds

I would that we were, my beloved, white birds on the foam of the sea!
We tire of the flame of the meteor, before it can fade and flee;
And the flame of the blue star of twilight, hung low on the rim of the sky,
Has awaked in our hearts, my beloved, a sadness that may not die.

A weariness comes from those dreamers, dew dabbled, the lily and rose;
Ah, dream not of them, my beloved, the flame of the meteor that goes,
Or the flame of the blue star that lingers hung low in the fall of the dew:

For I would we were changed to white birds on the wandering foam:

I and you! I am haunted by numberless islands,

and many a Danaan shore, Where Time would surely forget us,

and Sorrow come near us no more; Soon far from the rose and the lily,

and fret of the flames would we be,

Were we only white birds, my beloved, buoyed out on the foam of the sea!

The “Danaan Shore” refers to Tier-nan-Oge (Gaelic), an imaginary land where mortals live as long as do fairies. Danu was the queen of the fairies that inhabited this land. Yeats interpreted Gonne’s wish to become a seagull as a wish for freedom from sorrow and time.