Active Imagination

“Active imagination refers to a process or technique of engaging with the ideas or imaginings of one’s mind. It is used as a mental strategy to communicate with the subconscious mind. In Jungian psychology, it is a method for bridging the conscious and unconscious minds. Instead of being linked to the Jungian process, the word “active imagination” in modern psychology is most frequently used to describe a propensity to have a very creative and present imagination. It is thought to be a crucial aid in the process of individuation.”


I am having a challenging time with this Mercury Retrograde. So, I decided to take some skills I have learned over the years with “active imagination.” I did engage in communication with the planet on various levels. As a planet, an intellectual being (very Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,) astrology and astronomy.

I came to an interesting dialogue with the simple ideas of; don’t force things, go with the flow, and enjoy reflection with an awareness of what lessons are essential to learn.

The most interesting thing came the next morning when my geophysics son explained to me how things move in space.

When rockets leave the earth, they do not travel in a straight line but in a circular one even a spiral. And gravity in space can be used as an advantage or as a good kind of disadvantage in space travel.

Again, he told me some things about Mercury, the closest planet to the sun. I did not realize that it is smaller than our moon and of course has no moons of its own.

Mercury based on Mercurius, that is a lot to learn here, is always open to this type of intelligent awareness and dialogue. You should try it. Be astounded by Mercury Retrograde’s curious responses.

A new short film by Hudley Flipside

Praying Mantis in Hollyhock in my garden.


How do I balance out the conflicts in life? China and the USA Military now near Alaska confronting each other, our own x- USA president indicted repeatedly. Then there is an answer…

Nature is consistent like the Bumblebee who visits the same time every year. I hold in my dislike of big punk festivals galore and settle into the world around me.

Up front and personal. A pint of beer at the local pub and a delicious bowl of Grits.

Creativity and my spirituality. What is the difference between discernment, insight, instinct and fantasy or the big one active imagination. I use all of these, but the best is active imagination.

“An active imagination when a person engages with the ideas in their imagination, using it as a mental strategy to communicate with the subconscious mind. In Jungian psychology, it is a method for bridging the conscious and unconscious minds.

Instead of being linked to the Jungian process, the word “active imagination” in modern psychology is most frequently used to describe a propensity to have a very creative and present imagination. By examining the most evident manifestations of the unconscious mind—dreams—a person can learn how to execute this method on themselves.

It is thought to be a crucial aid in the process of individuation. It employs creative imagination as an organ for “perceiving outside your mental boxes.” ~ Analytical psychology

And for me nature always knows when I am doing it… lovely.

The song I created for this is personal but it is from my fantasy and our fantasy is a must if we wonder how the world could be destroyed over computer chips.

We endure the minds of weapons and war!

A catchy tune.


Approved by

Wild thing

Wildflowers have taught me to be authentic. You cannot mess with a wildflower. It does its own thing. Too much water or love and if will die. One must look at a wildflower with a sideways glance. Appreciation is appreciated. Don’t expect a sweetness without an inward determination or discernment from the wild thing.

Euphrosyne is a Goddess of Good Cheer, Joy and Mirth. Her name is the female version of a Greek word euphrosynos, which means “merriment”. The Greek poet Pindar states that these goddesses were created to fill the world with pleasant moments and good will. Usually the Charites attended the goddess of beauty Aphrodite.

Today while shopping the Sunday crowds were noticeable. The checkout lane was accepted. Yet even with the self-checkout open and the fifteen items or less open, two young men with several Styrofoam cups wanted to go first. They loomed close to me. Thinking my old woman ways would be forgiving and stupid to the fact they would eventually ask the question.

And then it happened the young man said,

“Can you do us a favor…”

I said with well learned flower intention and assertion,

“No. There is a self-checkout over there and a fifteen or less over there. Otherwise, you need to chill and wait like the rest of us.”

I went ahead with the checkout process. These two young men then decided to enter my space. I had to tell them to please step back.

“You need to step back because you are invading my space.”

They were in front of the cash check machine. I had to bag my things. They were shaking their heads like I was playing the wrong card.

You cannot expect older mamas to be sweetie pie by force. If these two young men were older and needed my help, I would have let them through and bagged for them. But these guys thought wrong about me.

It felt good to say “no” and “back off.”

I did not use fuck, or stupid or use my hand finger. I was assertive and authentic like the wildflowers in my garden.

A Daily “Fuck” Gazette To Jeff “THE WEASEL” Sessions and To Donald “JACKASS” Trump…

I had a dream…. last night … or was it a vision….?!

As told to us by Mr. Shit~ anarchist, atheist with a loving good conscience and beyond….

Mr. Shit woke up this morning with something on his mind. For an old punk with dementia he can be as sharp as a dull knife. He talked about whirling triangles that spoke of “…four combinations of wisdom,” and he talked about how he was part of the fifth part of the whirling triangle equation. “Me, Juno the Asteroid Goddess and the naked Grace AGLAEA.” He told us that it was a puzzle to him and as symbolic as hell or heaven… yet seemed as real as could be!

He told us about the strange dream. He also told us how he was born. He yelled that he remembered his story and yelled this, “He was born from a woman, in an alley, on a bus crossing a border.” This came to his mind because in his vision / dream AGLAEA told Mr. Shit that, “I (she) was born from the thought of Apollo the Hermaphrodite!”  Mr. Shit also told us that Juno said she was born from chaos. Singing that, “She stands up for Women’s rights!”

Mr. Shit told us that in his dream he was in an alley. He walked up to a trash can. He saw many things there, yet a couple of books were glowing. He opened one of the books and he read…

Visit orphans and widows in their distress~ James 1:27” and again flipped through the book and read, “Thus says the Lord: Do Justice and righteousness and deliver from the hand of the oppressor him who has been robbed. And do no wrong or violence to the resident alien, the fatherless, and the widow, nor shed innocent blood in their place.” ~ Jeremiah 22:3

He flipped through another book. He read an outlined quote.

“Have you considered him who calls the judgment a lie? That is the one who treats the orphan with harshness, And does not urge (others) to feed the poor. ~ (107:1-3) Holy Our ‘an.

In his dream he fell back and one of the books fell with him because the whirling triangles moved about him. He was dizzy with wonder. Yet a strength held him up with two large green rough legs. Like claws from another mother. She told Mr. Shit about the exodus of all people, animals, and creatures of the earth… and beyond. This is a mantra that we need all remember.

Silence moved upon us all as we sipped our cold ice-teas. We will focus on the quotes from those books from the trash can! For coming upon us are days of justice and good conscience.

Mr. Shit drank lots of ice coffee. He told us that going back to sleep was not an option!

Creative fiat FUN !

Praying mantis Azoth. The first and last letters of our classical languages. “Alpha” – “omega”

How this all came together is a current event of our times. Alchemical symbols and studies is something I do. I have worked with images and ancient insights for years. Not always understanding the full meanings yet trying to embrace them with a current and contemporary heart and mind-set. I believe as the ancient Egyptian taught, that to understand these ancient alchemical symbols one must “think with the heart and feel with the mind.”

A Grand Trine is a call to see the influence of cosmic realities. To observe the world around oneself and try to make sense of it. Azoth is “all-inclusiveness and the spiritual ray of Neptune which is the higher octave of Mercury.

I feel we are all in this together even if we believe it or not.

Neptune Retrograde 2018

“… Neptune stations retrograde shows a Grand Trine aspect pattern with Mercury, Jupiter retrograde and Neptune. The fortunate trine aspects create a balanced and harmonious blend of the planetary energies. Grand trines are very fortunate, showing great natural talent and creative potential. However, without some desire and effort the potentials may never be realized. But the more challenging nature of the two planets in retrograde give the motivation needed to turn opportunity into success. There are also fixed stars with each planet that energize this grand trine.


I’ve been working with this  image for some time. I put my praying mantis spin on the study. The alchemical symbol below is based on a sixth century woodcut from the series in Basil Valentine’s Azoth. Neptune is speaking mighty loudly… I think we all might listen!

A hierarchy of Neptune. Azoth is the measureless spirit of life. The original spiritual fiery water come through Eden (vapor) and pours itself into the four main rivers of four elements. “Elixir-vitae.”  The spine, a gas that is like steam which may be condenses when exposed to outside atmosphere. But may also be super-heated by the fire of purification and regeneration and become a brilliant and luminous fire.

“Between the gods and the plant kingdom stands man, a being endowed with intelligence, creative power and free-will to use it for good or ill.  Between the chaste plant and the pure spiritual gods who both turn their whole creative power upward towards the light.”



“For life moves out of a red flare of dreams
Into a common light of common hours,
Until old age brings the red flare again.”

~ The Land Of Heart’s Desire, William Butler Yeats

Retrospective action is part of a process which helps us find solutions to human problems. So much is going on in the world and in my personal world. Where does one seek or find balance? Meditation maybe? Exercising and eating properly, that might be part of the answer. There is more to hypertension than the human body. It seems a common reality in these dark political times shared by many!

While putting together some positive moves towards balance, I came upon a few old friends. One is a meditation site called freeMedation and an old poem by William Blake entitled Jerusalem. Yes, going back to healthy practices and inspired ideals.

Shocked by the inclusion of this particular rendition of Blake’s poem on this site, it is still very endearing to me. It is a poem set in a place and time that one can transcend using retrospective meditation.

The poem speaks to us. For is not Jerusalem the palace [place] of our heart’s desire?

Below is an image, a facsimile, from my Blake collection. It has vast symbolic layers.

“When the morning Stars sang together. & all the Sons of God shouted for joy”

Side stepping biblical perspective, this image holds reference to three important elements: The stars known as the Pleiades, humanity, and the cosmos. Our foresight needs to put roots into the ground as a solid anchor. This need is achieved by reaching with retrospective action. Thus, bringing together the past, present and future. A balance for our crazy times.

The image shows me understanding revealed in meditation. Therefore, I love Blake’s work.

Jerusalem by William Blake


As a friend of friends

Urania is talking to Uranus
Ambassador to the planets and stars
She calls to Earth
As a friend of friends,
Catalyst of goodness and humor,
to Uranus ascending electric magma
Eccentric insect antenna muses
Human Beings 
To be the best 
we can be.

Third Winter Wonderland Poem

An event to read and talk

I got lost

I woke up encrusted with “how could Is?”

Lost I found myself fishing my dream

finishing my dream in waking time

awake with a cup of coffee

kitty on my lap.

The large ten-inch-long lizard

3-inch width creature

still reminds me that

it might still be at my front door.

It’s encrusted skin of scales

as it pushed against the rosemary bush

and the lights in the night sky

after the crescent moon set.

Winter is cold

family wants to sleep

more food and coffee

studies, words and protesting.

Symbols are interesting


  Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. ~ genesis.

6th woodcut from the series in Basil Valentine’s