My letting go epiphany. Los Angeles Flipside Fanzine the Narrative Documentary Epeisodion Two and Three

I wrote my Punkalullaby, also published the paperback, my dream come true, replica of our Ten-Year Anniversary issue # 54. Also, edited, and produced Los Angeles Flipside Fanzine the Narrative Documentary / Film Epeisodion One Two and Three.

Now I am going to show Epeisodion Three on my YouTube channel for free viewing.

Yet the truth is I think I have completed my mission of bringing together original source. What Flipside Fanzine accomplished as part of our underground and musical history.

All the bands are there to speak for themselves.

I thought of making money off of my projects… yet punk rock has never been about profit it has always been about love…. I decided instead to just let it all go into the cosmos for those of you who want to see the big picture of punk rock and beyond. The historical context and my pull back into a world of intimacy and fun. Where Flipside Fanzine came from and where it ended up.

It is more now than dissected images, videos, or bands. I have brought the story and the real narrative together again. I am incredibly happy with completing my mission. But now I set myself free.

Be More Than a Witness.

Hudley Flipside

Los Angeles Flipside Fanzine the Narrative Documentary / Film.

Lead singer for the punk rock band the Adolescents Tony Reflex

(Anthony Brandenburg). A career in teaching and has been a vocal advocate for the rights of people with autism and Asperger’s Syndrome, as well as for music and fine arts in education.

Main narrative threads are taken from Los Angeles Flipside Fanzine editorials.


Original Punk Staff Tory Paisley

(Jorge Torres) Has a PhD in Musicology from Cornell University. Associate Professor of Music at Lafayette College.

Doodling campaign for office

A lot of images from the last few years have come together again. I can do some more but I think the last three times Trump running for President of the United States of America is enough for me. I can only make fun of the whole damn thing now. If I had to draw his face again, I know I would barf.

So as often Mr. Fuck came out of his bomb shelter and offered to off shoot the annoying DONALD and run for office himself.

We are stinkers and decided to make up T-Shirts and stickers and are running a campaign.

Renderings of older images is fun and so as he lit up his cigarettes, we had a whiskey or two and some pints. He is a doodler as well and so we call this our doodling campaign for office.

We both do not want Trump around. He repulses us.

Metallic Thuds

“The tall trees in the greenwood,
The meadows where we play,
The rushes by the water,
We gather every day;”

−by Cecil Frances Alexander

Right now, there is a war going on outside. Trucks are attacking our sleepy neighborhood to trim down our trees. We are talking massive trucks.

I talked to a Los Angeles County representative, and he told me the reason we were not notified weeks earlier about the colossal invasion of trucks, chainsaws, dinging, and loud bangs is because a Fire Marshal just a day ago decided that there is a fire hazard here in our neighborhood. Our trees are growing and causing an issue with the street sweepers. Tree branches are touching or contacting the street sweepers.

I called the local fire department and was told a Fire Marshal would not come out to do something like that. It would most likely be a local inspector. I don’t know. The Street Services were most likely not tell you the truth.

This is a fire hazard all of a sudden?

It was in November that I made a complaint to the county that our street sweepers were not coming. They had not been coming for some time. After about a month’s time I was told it was due to the trees’ overgrowth.

Also, I found out from an official Los Angeles Street Services worker that the street sweepers only come the first and third Wednesday of every month. Even though they triage as well. We were not notified about any of this. We were not notified about today as well.

The trees could have gently and consistently been trimmed over time. Yet that would take city and or county planning. Something I have observed is that the “STREET SERVICES” does not have. Which is the foresight to plan.

The problem is that the law that enforces the signs on our street “Parking Violation” is giving us tickets. Even though the signs are not valid on our street. No street sweepers and police enforcement still will write up tickets. That seems illogical to me.

The street signs say every Wednesday from 12 to 2 PM. One cannot park on the street, or your car will be ticketed.

Today the new signs, put on with a wire, say cars will be towed away. Which is always a thousand dollar fine or more.

So, I asked many departments and city officials who manage this issue to change the signs or at least take down the signs, so my neighbors and I do not get 70-dollar tickets. Until all the LOS ANGELES city or county departments become organized. To unify!

Yet it has come down to this. The “STREET SERVICES” is doing this without considering the environment. This is an attack on my neighborhood. The ravens, birds, and bees who we share a neighborhood live here too. The cats and dogs who also live here, not to forget the raccoons, possums, and other wild things who are perchance abruptly losing their homes.

It is a rape of our neighborhood. It feels like that to me. This is much worse than having a tooth pulled. That feels like rape too. Just yellow trucks, metallic thuds, loud chainsaws, and the loud sound of stump grinders.

GO To The Garden

New category for posts that concur with the many film-doodles I do.

Film Doodling by Hudely Flipside

It is the creative endeavor that is real and mine to share.  

I love my garden and am so close to the ways of nature. Yet as a human being I endure the other man-made things. It is a life I was born to. Yet I think we can learn the power of nature by listening and hoping for the best to inspire us to be better human beings.

I think there is a relationship with how nature is and us in general. Our feelings and emotions.

Yet often even though nature speaks to us we don’t listen.

As I am a listener and follow the ways of ancient traditions I like to share.

Creatively embracing and helping for a better world.

Wild ways, music and nature are how I endure and so it goes.

Sadly, they have lost their dignity and grace. A FLOPSIDE COMIC read by our silent consultant Old Man Joe

Mr. FUck and Mr. ShIt are so bitchin’ man… they like to hang out and have fun..

NOt a FLipside COmic Mr. SHit but a FLOPSIDE COMIC>>>>>>

Old Man Joe was recorded in our bomb shelter…. he was so happy to read for us at FLOPSIDE COmics... he usually is the silent one of integrity, wicked smarts and cantankerous ways…

As he said,

“From one old fool to some others…”

Sadly, they have lost their dignity and grace.

McConnell appears to freeze while speaking with reporters in Kentucky.

Feinstein’s fall was described as a minor slip and did not involve steps or stairs.

We at FLOPSIDE Comics must make this editorial. We have talked to Hudley, and she agrees.

She has worked at nursing homes and as a Home Health Aide.

We all hold great respect for the ageing.

Yet there is a time when one needs to take off the sheath of power to let others who are more apparently resilient and healthier take their place.

As a California Senator and as the minority Senate leader.

Democrats and Republicans can agree to something as profoundly real as this. We like the fact that when an issue crosses the line, reaching across the Aisle of politics, and both parties have a common issue to deal with, this real issue of poor health and age.

It is a reality we all face if we live long enough. They are not Queens or Kings but elected to serve their time with dignity and grace.

Yet now is the time, for both of them, to step down with dignity and grace.

A new short film by Hudley Flipside

Praying Mantis in Hollyhock in my garden.


How do I balance out the conflicts in life? China and the USA Military now near Alaska confronting each other, our own x- USA president indicted repeatedly. Then there is an answer…

Nature is consistent like the Bumblebee who visits the same time every year. I hold in my dislike of big punk festivals galore and settle into the world around me.

Up front and personal. A pint of beer at the local pub and a delicious bowl of Grits.

Creativity and my spirituality. What is the difference between discernment, insight, instinct and fantasy or the big one active imagination. I use all of these, but the best is active imagination.

“An active imagination when a person engages with the ideas in their imagination, using it as a mental strategy to communicate with the subconscious mind. In Jungian psychology, it is a method for bridging the conscious and unconscious minds.

Instead of being linked to the Jungian process, the word “active imagination” in modern psychology is most frequently used to describe a propensity to have a very creative and present imagination. By examining the most evident manifestations of the unconscious mind—dreams—a person can learn how to execute this method on themselves.

It is thought to be a crucial aid in the process of individuation. It employs creative imagination as an organ for “perceiving outside your mental boxes.” ~ Analytical psychology

And for me nature always knows when I am doing it… lovely.

The song I created for this is personal but it is from my fantasy and our fantasy is a must if we wonder how the world could be destroyed over computer chips.

We endure the minds of weapons and war!

A catchy tune.


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