Cheers to Tito, books out @ Pre-orders…

1978- Los Angeles Flipside # 10 Photo Al Flipside.

“When you’ve jumped the fence into the bath

we will understand if you have the last laugh.

Just as things seem as they were before,

down with the field up with the air conditioner.”

~GBH Forbidden Zone.

 “A flash of lightning. Dionysus becomes visible in emerald beauty.”

~ Pg. 65 Dithyrambs of Dionysus / Friedrich Nietzsche 

No longer a forbidden zone, it once was a dark night when the rains came with lightning and took our Football kitty away from us. Was it the hole in the fence and the neighbor’s German Shepherd? Was it the nasty drug dealer now gone due to the dumb bloke being taken away by the police? Or was it an alien mutation … it sure looked like one. If you do not know what I mean look it up? Finally, it could have been the other side fence that is also now new. It was replaced a couple of years ago. A jump over by local twister trickster coyote? Coyote told me this,

“Nope not me.”

What was once a forbidden zone is not forbidden anymore.

This autumn has its forbidden zones. I must be honest my once explored forbidden zones have become zones of good fruits of wonder.

I am turned on because a hearty harvest has come in. It feels good. Here are some projects I’ve been part of. Here is the harvest…

Where The Wild Gigs Were –~ Tim Hinely & Friends, HoZac Books.

Shipping Now: WHERE THE WILD GIGS WERE – A Trip Thru America’s Underground Music Venues BOOK by Tim Hinely & Friends

New Wave Chicken, Steve Hart, Art Issue, Fluke Publishing,

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FORBIDDEN BEATS S.W. Lauden, out on Rare Bird Books.

I must say the “wheeling and dealing” is fun and sometimes hope filled activating. A learning experience. Contributing in a new way I am like our new red western cedar dog ear fence.

I am shining from the inside out.

The back door man is not someone I deal with … it is all up and up now.

It is amazing when a major film company takes the time to mail you an original designed t-shirt. It feels nice to be valued and treated with respect.

So, the new fence got some dirt, mulch and a couple of lavender plants.

Universal Pictures Feature Production, Universal Pictures is in production on a theatrical horror motion picture by Jordan Peele (Get Out, Us). NOPE

Tito Larriva Los Plugs. Oct/8/2021 Origin ID-AHCA Alex Bovaird t-shirt.

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Beware of the moon birds.

Today I am reflecting on one of my favorite posts. To me that this original short story, novelette by Daphne du Maurier, is based in Cornwall on the Celtic Sea is amazing to me.

Before I studied my great grandfather’s book, CAPPEN JAN JAKE: A CORNISH TALE, and now as an older adult, I have the insight or Cornish character to understand such things. I never really took notice how he lived in Cornwall on the Celtic Sea when I was younger.

I guess something in me made the connection between publishing his book again and reflecting on the original story by Daphne du Maurier.

My great grandfather always stayed close to the water. Be it the ocean or Mississippi or Missouri river. He traveled that way too.

I hope someday to take that journey. From California on the Pacific Ocean, where I live, to Cornwall on the Celtic Sea.

Mrs. Bundy: Birds have been on this planet, Miss Daniels, since Archaeopteryx, a hundred and forty million years ago. Does not it seem odd that they would wait all that time to start a… a war against humanity.

~ Film, The Birds

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I recently watched Alfred Hitchcock’s film The Birds. The film is based on the novelette by Daphne du Maurier. The screenplay written by Evan Hunter and Ed MacBain, and both, the film, and the story, are vastly different.

Yet, both have similar and highly symbolic connections that are fascinating. Equally, the film and story do not use the symbol of the moon as a word or image. Indirectly, the moon is the main hidden movement in both. The birds are the “Sturm und Drang” (“Storm and Stress)’ in the film and story.

I remember when I first viewed The Birds on TV! About the age of the little girl Cathy Brenner. I thought the film was scary. Friends and I often pretended and played scenes from the film. We ran down hills of golden green frightened by our imaginary fierce birds.

“Cathy Brenner: When we got back from taking Michelle home, we heard the explosion and went outside to see what it was. All at once, the birds were everywhere. All at once, she pushed me inside and they covered her. Annie, she pushed me inside.”

I want to make an interesting point about the film, it is a film more about relationships between women then about the birds. In the film one finds a maiden, mother, and crone. Annie Hayworth is the sexy maiden where Lydia Brenner is the mother.

Ethel Griffies plays the old crone “ornithologist.” The interesting character of Melanie Daniels plays a female goddess of the moon. She is mysterious, magical, intuitive, and carries love birds to her desired man.

“Melanie Daniels: I thought you knew! I want to go through life jumping into fountains naked, good night!”

In the novelette by Maurier an indirect influence of the moon is always applied. As narrated by main character Nat Hocken, the ocean tide influences the action of a variety of birds. He works on a farm and describes his knowledge of the land and the sea. He is knowledgeable of all the birds in his environment. He is one of nature and his knowledge is as wise as the ornithologist Ethel Griffies from Hunter’s screenplay.

“The species included blackbird, thrush, the common house-sparrow, and, as might be expected in the metropolis, a vast quantity of pigeons and starlings, and that frequenter of the London River, the black-headed gull.”

Both film and story indirectly show evidence of the influence of the moon, as the phases of a woman’s life, or the ocean tide. The uncanny attack of the birds is an unconscious one. It is a dynamic pull by the moon at Bodega Bay California or England at a bay of Cornwall on the Celtic Sea. Both film and story hold interesting perspectives.

A wonderful film to see and an exceptional story to read.

“The lull in battle was because of the tide. There was some law the birds obeyed, and it was all to do with the east wind and the tide. He glanced at his watch. Nearly eight o’clock. It must have gone high water an hour ago.

That explained the lull: the birds attacked with the flood tide. It might not work that way inland, up country, but it seemed as if it was so this way on the coast. He reckoned the time limit in his head. They had six hours to go, without attack. When the tide turned again, around one-twenty in the morning, the birds would come back…”

~ Daphne du Maurier, Pg. 523-527.

A reason for being or a strange mythos science fiction tale?

When I first became aware that everything living has a consciousness, I was overwhelmed with a sense of responsibility! Then after a while, I settled down into this web of life. We are all here for such a short time! I’ve come to know that it is the little efforts we make, with this awareness, that communicates who we are to the rest of the web! Even books carry a living awareness. The Internet is a vast global mental awareness that communicates now! We are all connected mentally and sometimes emotionally.

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During a thunderstorm last year, a bolt of lightning above my house made the car alarm go off! While looking for my keys to turn off the alarm, something strange happened. I looked up at the computer monitor! I was calm and then the computer turned on! I watched as windows opened and mail sites opened! Without a password! There I stood gazing into another family member’s mail and messages! I quickly turned off the computer! I then turned off the car alarm! It all happened so fast!

Is humanity now involved in a strange mythology science fiction tale? Are we now reaching a point where our psyche and the cosmos are merging in a state of communication awareness? This is not a new concept.

Noospheere, introduced by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin  is a, “social phenomenon [as] the culmination of and not the attenuation of the biological phenomenon.”[9]   

He was a “French idealist philosopher and Jesuit priest” who seems to have predicted the coming of the internet. He may not have known how it would manifest, but he sure got me believing. I read his work years ago and just recently reflected back on his brilliance.

Then there are characters like Cleve Backsteran interrogation specialist for the CIA who “using a polygraph instrument in the 1960s which led to his theory of “primary perception” where he claimed that plants “feel pain” and have extrasensory perception (ESP), which was widely reported in the media but was rejected by the scientific community.”

These characters explore, open doors, and reflect on the possibilities of consciousness and communication with the unknown.

David Wilcock and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin have written interesting books on these subjects. Their websites are listed in my links section if you find them fun for study.

And so I end this essay with some random words by H.P. Lovecraft,

I listened with renewed interest. The music seemed strangely muffled, and yet it came thought. I observed also that it had no definite direction; while before it had seemed to come from outside, it now seemed to come from underneath the house-a curious, chant-like playing of reeds and pipes.

“A flute orchestra,” I said.

“Or Pan pipes,” said Frolin.

    I looked up at him sharply; he returned my gaze as steady. It occurred to me that his unnatural gravity had a reason for being, whether or not he wished to put that reason into words. I caught hold of his arms.”

Pg 139 Beyond the Threshold, August Derleith. ~ H.P. Lovecraft and others, Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos

“…the Noosphere, the self-reflective universe of creative evolution where the internet is a living library, a global brain and a volunteer Akashic Records stored in the cloud of unknowing; as elements of Karma V Free Will, as Cosmic Vacuum Cleaners and as Psychic Transmitters…”

~ An Accelerated Time-Line,

Conductor 71 c
A Matter of Life and Death (1946) Where an angel and a human communicate about life, death, love and the game of Chess.

Akashic Records

The Cloud of Unknowing


Book Review…The Perfect Daughter


Perfect Daughters by Robert Ackerman is a popular book for daughters of alcoholics. I recommend it to all children of alcoholic parents!! It includes a vast amount of information from women with personal experience on the subject, gathered by a compassionate author. This book is a great relief for me because it helps me to see my strengths and weaknesses.

Codependency is something we are all a little guilty of. Real nasty codependency is created by the lack of emotional support of a parent, or parents, due to the abuse of alcohol. It takes that safe place away, that place we need as children growing up!

That place of emotional security. Instead, it makes adult children of alcoholics lack important skills needed in the world of adult interactions.

To be an enabler is to not let another person take responsibility for their mistakes. As a child I witnessed this over and over again in my mom and dad’s relationship.

 I still witness this in my sibling family circle. Letting others take responsibility for their actions, or lack of actions, is the first step. Becoming aware as an adult daughter of an alcoholic father was my first step towards standing tall. This action of accountability will make you very unpopular within the family structure, but it is the only way out.

 I am accountable for my actions. I am responsible for myself. I will not take on the care giving of another that is not worthy of my help. If this means tough love, so be it. In the long run this will help others face their own truths, their own strengths, and weaknesses…because there is no other way!!!

The Marriage of Heaven and Hell by William Blake

I only have a copy of this book from the library. It is one of the most valuable of valuables in my heart.

I like this man because he attacks perfection. He attacks technology and he attacks big egos.

I think everyone should read this book. Blake is a humorist; he is very esoteric and clever.

He seems to know human nature best because he shows he has been burned emotionally by friends.

Betrayal is the great realism or knowledge of the heart.

Blake includes nature and art. What a remarkable creation. Why are all the interesting people dead… well maybe not so? I feel like maybe he is around somewhere when reading his work.

Get it and make some wrinkles in your clothes. Go out and misspell something. Be imperfect in grammar and voice.

But never-never be insincere, greedy, or inhuman.

Read. Intelligence of the heart is the game he plays… and you got to have one to play Blake’s game of intelligence…brain, heart and honesty and William Blake.

I find so much decadence, arrogance and lying in the world today…How comforting it is to have Blake in the world to read.

2022 I now have my own copy .

Autumn…politics and music: Sweet peace is within my breast !

I sometimes think there are two Wagner’s in our culture, almost unrecognizable different from one another: the Wagner possessed by those who know his work, and the Wagner imagined by those who know him only by name and reputation.

~ Bryan Magee, Wagner Scolar

I am celebrating Autumn. I usually do this by listening to Tannhauser. I focus in on The Pilgrims Chorus in this opera. The music feels like autumn to me and contains within it the movements of this time of year. In this particular piece of music I am slowly brought to a powerful center of my relationship with autumn. I am taken there by the crescendo which is a motif and  part of this music. It pulls me to a magical place. I learned this chorus years ago by the occultist Corinne Heline. Her book, Color and Music in The New Age, first copyright 1964 by New Age Press , INC., is an interesting and mind altering perspective on esoteric Christianity, music composers and nature. Corinne Heline’s agenda is very clear.  I feel one can apply or superimpose what is in her book on any belief system.

When I speak of agenda I also refer to the music composed by Richard Wagner and how this song echos as a Nazi patriotic song that Hitler loved. Well thank goddess he was a human being. I do not see it that way. Just because a person associates themselves with a particular opera or song does not mean that the same sentiment is carried on by another person. I denounce Hitler and Nazism.

My focus is on my concept of nature politics and music. This is a continuity of dependable currents that tell us of a seasonal change within the world around us and within us, and it is happening now !  Atheism, Secularism, Christianity, all religions or belief systems in general, art, and the sciences can benefit by this music for the good of humanity and nature and beyond. This is my agenda.

I ask that you enjoy this music as an individual and hopefully it will inspire you to feel the current and spiritual nature of autumn.

The happy introvert by Elizabeth Wagle

A Wild and crazy guide for celebrating your true self. I am glad I found this book. It affirms what I have always known, that I am an introvert. Yes, we are outnumbered by extroverts.  Artists and writers tend to be more inclined to go within for their enjoyment. I like staying at home and I am on the wild side, just like most domesticated cats. If you get the time please get this book because it is an informative and delightful read.  It takes all types to make up the world. The reason some people have parties for their birthdays with the whole zoo and those that don’t is OK.  Those of us that like the more private life do so happily…. and so it is..

The Women’s Encyclopedia Of Myths and Secrets by Barbara G. Walker

Swoony type,
long hair, bedroom eyes,
cheeks like wine.”
― Euripides, The Bacchae

This is a book of wisdom and secrets. One of the best sources of information when seeking the underbelly of truth and knowledge mixed with initiation. It is a magic book as well as a fact filled book. I am amazed with the information contained in this book.

I use it as a source for all my research projects. A matriarchal support system that unites a global, archaic and historical understanding of women.