Mysteries Solved

Punk Rock Colleague & Historian and Professional Consultant

Hudley Flipside

How many of us have been directly inspired by these musical geniuses: Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, and Kurt Cobain?

I know I have as well as saddened by their deaths. The mystery of losing them at the peak of their youthful talent. Their music plays on.  

I know why I am pulled in their direction because I have Jupiter in the 12th house in the sign of Libra. 

My birth chart is playing with me now. Telling me why I like mysteries, rebels, and depth psychology. I have viewed my own Doppelganger and such music as theirs, made me more aware of the collective Doppelganger!

If not for Carl Jung, William Blake and James Hillman I may not have made it into the 1990s. So, I am very grateful for their help and wisdom. Also, their knowledge of myths that they share is fun and life changing. Grand teachers.  

I think the above quote and the article Jupiter Enters Scorpio October 10, 2017, by Steven Forest is just what I needed and so I am writing about it and sharing it here for others. Also, I am sharing my renderings of ancient images of the moon and sun.  

In times of chaos, we only need to go within to seek the light! It is ironic but that is where we can find the sun and the moon. The light that crescendos and ascending takes us out of the too much darkness that we sometimes face.  

Happy first day of October…

Publications for reading pleasure…

Solar eclipse of August 21, 2017 Celebration

 I hope you enjoy the coming eclipse.  If you are already there or travel the journey to get there…If you need some reading material while waiting or after it is over and back to normal life… here is my stuff for your reading pleasure….

here is some eclipse music….

My Stuff….

Leaves In The Wind

I pause outside as bee and lady bug fly around.

Sweet is the nectar from

lemon tree and lavender.

Letting go of worries and

desires that do not serve me now.

An old friend, a song, comes to mind

as my “leaves in the wind.”

Perfect are old recorded songs

and the insect, flower and tree!

Somehow as I pause in breathing,

I am lost in this perfection.

The recurring of pause of being,

the repetition of listening to old songs

the heartfelt listening and watching nature,

Is my catalyst for artistic expression.

Never to let us down.



It seems contrary that Venus goes retrograde
As Spring vividly approaches!
The underworld is spilling upwards
I’ve noticed shadows and illness
Addiction, handicaps, and depression.
My heart is hurt and overwhelmed. Man at the parking lot asking for money
Young man in a wheelchair
As parents push him through the supermarket
his eyes deep in a world of despair. I hold on to the pain as it washes over me with tears
Helpless tears of acknowledgment and power
As we walk through these dark times
To acknowledge it all with observing hearts
That hear and feel! We help by our vibrations of
compassion, empathy and caring.
A silent prayer of hope,
So, the wounded can find a gentle joy
That pleasure brings
upon their vivid blood-red hearts. She knows and she descends to us
the gift of her sweetness
for all times. Walking with those that hold the lanterns
In the dark descending spiral into the underworld.
Light that eliminates the darkness
By acknowledgment, letting go. As hearts grow in applied ways
This is our wisdom.
A balm for our world…
Breast bending up
Chest falling down
And love will be found there too.

© Hudley Flipside Poems / Holly Duval Cornell

Seldom Forgotten


“1940 is the year when we approach the meridian of the first star in Aquarius. It is the premonitory earthquake of the New Age.” We see how Jung considered earthly occurrences in a cosmic context, with an eye toward the approach of the Age of Aquarius, which was supposed to come after the Age of Pisces in the global calendar. This fact, differently interpreted by the various esoteric groups, was frequently connected with an “age of enlightenment” and great steps forward in spiritual progress. But it is not seldom forgotten that spiritual maturity carries the price of great suffering and severe trials. As Jung was certainly clearly aware of this aspect…” Pg. 333-334, The Second World War, Jung: A biography.

New Age, Age of Aquarius and “age of enlightenment” always put a little fear in me. At this time of the year the dead whisper their stories through dreams, books and biographies. This Sunday I pulled my random book. I started reading randomly. The above quote from Carl Jung’s biography pulled at me. Directly pulling at reflections and meditations of the day.

After an early meditation outside near the bomb shelter; small rough golden and dark green leaves falling from the Cyprus tree onto my head, then down to my lap. Looking up I saw a small song bird right above me on a branch chirping and giving itself a cleaning. I was focused on it. The coolness in the air calmed me as I looked up away further to see another bird flying. A white bird; a seagull or maybe an owl. It was flying South West. A large bright bird highlighted by the rising sun.  In my wonder I then looked down to see that the little song bird had left a white bird poop on my lap.

“Nasty little bird…I think I get the hint!!”

I got up and walked towards the house. Both female cats disturbed by my movement, as they had found a temporary warm home near my legs and feet.

Arthurian Knight


The word wonder as a verb or noun has a good feeling associated to it.

The adventure while taking walks in the fog brings to my mind smells of the earth. A wonder of this is one wonder I crave.

Walks down wild hills and up hills as a youth, pepper trees and mighty eucalypts trees embraced me as a wonder-joy of being alive.  

A winter day with a cold face as a door opens to the heat of a fireplace. The smell of cooking and the wonder of a satisfying meal waiting for me.  

I wonder upon the faces of my parents as they took care of me; a childlike wonder of trust and love given.  

Holding baby kittens a few days old. The warmth, cuteness, and perfection of “Cat.” Countless days did I wonder and see a kitten, cat or tom give a perfect yoga bath to their body. A joy that fills many years of happy meditative wonder.  

The wonder, the greatest, is the wonder of a stream or waterfall. This magic fills me with desires beyond the word… wonder.  

In conclusion I hear the wonder of an Arthurian Knight (at least in my mind), Neil Diamond, singing a Beatles song!!

A Day of Courage

Feeling as powerful as an active volcano of accomplishment.

“Into the tomb I must now go?

The fear of such a place she thought,

“Will they put me there. Alone there I will be. What, will they forget me too?”

A whisper in her ear spoke,

“No you will not go there. You have suffered enough.”

She was free .



silent courage

following through


what is greater than this ?

courage is an effort


notice the silent courage of others

it is beyond words



I read in one of my books that shy and introverted people tend to blossom on the internet. Also that it is women over 40 that made the Kindle come alive and become so successful.

I am part of those statistics and I don’t mind. It is a vortex vertex… in and out. Taking it in like breathing while learning and pushing it out like creating.

It is in this process that I find myself smiling and I like that feeling. Mirror, mirror on the wall is not just something that holds our reflection looking back at us.

It is a dimension into another realm. It asks questions and demands answers.

A test. Sometimes I find that when an individual tries to override their ego… the collective ego of humans somehow comes beseeching them… the poor soul.

This is a strange thing. I wish we could all just be happy for blossoming people who out feel their controlling egos.

“Life is too short…” I’ll find myself some wings!”

0011.jpg Mantis Pledge

“However the psychology of the individual corresponded to the psychology of the nation, and only the transformation of the attitude of the individual could bring about cultural renewal”  ~ Jung

Getting older makes time faster. Cars seem to race around the neighborhood faster. Red fire trucks, and alarms ringing, race faster. Around and around as I look at my youth trying to look outwards away, instead! To new things as centripetal force pulls me into the middle. Reflect, reflect and reflect painfully. Sucked into the layers of faces, words and feelings.

Wings extend out in moments of inspiration. Doing art is sharing; is support. I fly. I read that it is not until you show your art that it is complete. A finished piece of art has to be viewed.

No time for the past and youthful dreams. Now the future moves faster and inspiration to share parallels this reality. In my world, in my neighborhood, in my city, state, nation, and earth… the cosmos even!!

I fly with inspiration.

Yet contrary to this is the middle….Slow down perching as wings begin to fold inward. Time to view feelings and think quality of time with each heartbeat.



Coyote Green Stone Story


This story needs to be told about what my friend Coyote is doing this year. His story is hounding me to be told and so Coyote blows his ideas in the mist falling as humid drops on my eyelids.


“Coyote how are you and your children handling this hot weather? Are you going to come down and eat our cats and drink water from our drained sprinkler juice?”

“No, we have it good this year!”


“In the Santa Monica Mountains we have found a cave that goes down into the underground earth. We have a fresh running spring there. Sheltered and running clear, but darkly moving among green moss, black rocks and falling into indigo pools for drinking.”

“Sounds beautiful!”

“We stay down here during the day. It is cool. We have amethyst crystals, rubies and green stones growing in some of the caves down in the earth.”

“Rubies that seems a little credulous to take in Coyote? I know you are a trickster!!”

“Just tell my story and let others judge for themselves!”

“Did I hear a bit of a growl in your statement Coyote?”

“There are wild places still, is what I am yawning to you. We go out at night to play under the moon and scratch our backs on tree trunks!”

Hopefully Coyote is happy now!!
