Age, shadow and beauty

His beauty was notable even in a province where the lack of it is more exceptional in a young man. It was the sort of beauty that is celebrated by the heroic male sculptures in the fountains of Rome. Two things disguised it a little, the dreadful poverty of his clothes and his stealth of manner. The only decent garment he wore was a black overcoat which was too small for his body. Its collar exposed a triangle of bare ivory flesh; no evidence of a shirt. The trouser-cuffs were coming to pieces. Naked feet showed through enormous gaps in his shoe leather. He seemed to want to escape the attention which his beauty invited, for whenever he caught a glance he turned aside from it. He kept his head lowered and his body hunched slightly forward. And yet he had an air of alertness. The tension of his figure suggested that he was continually upon the verge of raising his voice or an arm in some kind of urgent call or salutation.

~Williams, Tennessee. The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone (New Directions Bibelot) (Kindle Locations 22-24). New Directions. Kindle Edition.

Rendering of Flowers, lemon and Turkish Tea Pot… to be water colored soon by Hudley


Tennessee Williams wrote only two novels, The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone (1950, adapted into a film in 1961, and again in 2003) and Moise and the World of Reason (1975) I have watched the 1961 film several times. Haunted by the film as many are, I had to read the novel to answer some questions that I have. So, the above quote is so beautifully tragic that I am taken to my youth and my world now as a senior citizen. Yet, the description above reminds me of the many young beauty punks I knew in my youthful years. I think, or should I say know… describes what I feel and saw back then. So perfect…. A door to a writer an education by him… what joy I feel. The right time and place to understand where I can alchemise his magic… a balancing of love and disdain I am sure.

Summer Poem # 1

My oasis
And cave.

Not reaching out
But reaching within.

Agathos daimon holds my heart
Humidity holds me back.

“Coninuctio” “in mercurio”
Planting seeds
Which do not ripen.

Outside my oasis
Seeds dry in the heat.

Inside the cave
I listen to Mercurius speak.

“The desires of the mind
Will take you nowhere.”


“For life moves out of a red flare of dreams
Into a common light of common hours,
Until old age brings the red flare again.”

~ The Land Of Heart’s Desire, William Butler Yeats

Retrospective action is part of a process which helps us find solutions to human problems. So much is going on in the world and in my personal world. Where does one seek or find balance? Meditation maybe? Exercising and eating properly, that might be part of the answer. There is more to hypertension than the human body. It seems a common reality in these dark political times shared by many!

While putting together some positive moves towards balance, I came upon a few old friends. One is a meditation site called freeMedation and an old poem by William Blake entitled Jerusalem. Yes, going back to healthy practices and inspired ideals.

Shocked by the inclusion of this particular rendition of Blake’s poem on this site, it is still very endearing to me. It is a poem set in a place and time that one can transcend using retrospective meditation.

The poem speaks to us. For is not Jerusalem the palace [place] of our heart’s desire?

Below is an image, a facsimile, from my Blake collection. It has vast symbolic layers.

“When the morning Stars sang together. & all the Sons of God shouted for joy”

Side stepping biblical perspective, this image holds reference to three important elements: The stars known as the Pleiades, humanity, and the cosmos. Our foresight needs to put roots into the ground as a solid anchor. This need is achieved by reaching with retrospective action. Thus, bringing together the past, present and future. A balance for our crazy times.

The image shows me understanding revealed in meditation. Therefore, I love Blake’s work.

Jerusalem by William Blake



While sitting in my computer room I heard a lady screaming. In a fire windy weaving voice yelling,

“Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you!!”

The car raced by my home. Oldest son heard it too. It was not directed at us, but we did catch it in passing.

Last night while watching reruns of Ancient Aliens I came upon one old image I’ve studied and another that I did not know about. The flower of Life and Leonardo da Vinci’s long-lost portrait of Christ ‘Salvator Mundi’

The flower of Life means many things but the one meaning I love best is that it represents the universe.

The Christ portrait is fascinating. I am amazed by a sphere he is holding. An interfaith symbol that other religious masters hold as well.

Two mystical round bubbles or circles of insight came together in my mind.  Because Leonardo da Vinci shows the Flower of Life in his works, I found this an interesting point of reflection and study.

So, I did my own improvisation and put the flower of Life in the bubble sphere. It was fun to do.

I hope the lady who was screaming will have a better day then she seemed to be having.

Flower of Life Symbol

Leonardo da Vinci’s long lost portrait of Christ ‘Salvator Mundi’

Leonardo da Vinci’s long lost portrait of Christ ‘Salvator Mundi’

Flower Of Life


Maybe it all ready happened…congratulations…

In Return

Receptive, illumination and synchronicity,

I’m a wise old blooming flower, waiting to be pollinated,

I’m receptive to what I shall become, Let life approach me,

I do not have to go seeking,

I have all I need to succeed, I’m a beautiful rose,
wise, good and ready.
I can be trusted,

I follow things through, I speak my mind,

Let the spirit of god / goddess, move over my deep dark waters.
Receptive as an open flower.

Now, waiting for life to impregnate me.

“The Rose makes honey.”

Autumn Magic poem four

Autumn Magic poem four

A prayer to the Elohim …

help us in the

whirlwinds of water

and fires of destruction. 

too much steam…

How to prune the masses

A man who is a Doppelgänger

Causing chaos, discord, and division

Racist and hypocrite…

Send you peace of heart and mind….

conceivably good people will become

The powerful and not the defeated.

Magic comes to console and make

A sword of justice of

nobility and goodwill

Make us whole dear diplomatic Elohim.

Melancholia, Saturn and Albrecht Durer

The paintings below by Albrecht Durer can assist us to understand the esoteric importance of the planet Saturn. Saturn’s influence on us. “They all incorporate the symbols of Saturn to communicate a basic teaching.” I invite you to dwell upon these images and pine the importance of inward growth especially those who ponder in the world of melancholia.


“Melancholy fury” stimulated the three highest human faculties : intellect, reasoning, and imagination” His observation was that a higher consciousness emerges from darkness.”

[Cornelius Agrippa of Nesheim 1509, from De Occulta Philosophia]

"Melancholia" by Albrecht Durer
“Melancholia” by Albrecht Durer

St. Jerome

“The old man has transformed his gloomy cell into an earthy paradise with LIGHT streaming through the windows… his writings emphasize industry and resolve rather than despondency.”

"St. Jerome" by Albrecht Durer
“St. Jerome” by Albrecht Durer

The Knight, Death and the Devil

“The knight riding on with a sense of purpose…”

"The Knight, Death and the Devil" by Albrecht Durer
“The Knight, Death and the Devil” by Albrecht Durer

Quotes taken from The Saturn Pluto Phenomenon by Joy Michand & Karen Hilverson Pages 3 and four.

winged centaur
winged centaur, Etruscan black figure amphora, attributed to the Micali painter (6th/5th century B.C.)

An unrecognized alien

You’ll have to get out of these little boxes, you know, physics on my left and psychology on my right, you can’t do that, you cannot do that in dealing with UFOs. What I’m saying is you cannot do that anymore in dealing with astrophysics. The problem that scientists have today is that time and space, the way we were thinking about them, don’t make sense when you begin to deal with particle entanglement and with entanglement of larger physical things. So we’re going to get to the same place eventually.

Dr. Jacques Vallée

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Page 88 The SacriDcal Murder Carl Jung “Red Book” – Carl Gustav Jung / The Red Book

“But the way is my own self, my own life founded upon myself. The God wants my life. He wants to go with me, sit at the table with me, work with me. Above all he wanted to be ever-present. But I’m ashamed of my God. I don’t want to be divine but reasonable. The divine appears to me as irrational craziness. I hate it as an absurd disturbance of my meaningful human activity. It seems an unbecoming sickness which has stolen into the regular course of my life. Yes, I even find the divine superfluous.” Jung 78/98

I have not done this for a while. To randomly pick a book and open the page and read a paragraph. It is a type of trance effort. Some of the worst and best loved characters that I have read or studied live in a kind of trance world. A place of myth, magic and raised consciousness. William Blake, Carl Jung, and the pitiful creature known as Adolf Hitler. I am studying Hitler’s biography now. I was amazed how his and their lives moved in the same worlds.

The place of science, math and technology works in our modern age. The world of Blake, Jung and Hitler are different. One cannot superimpose our current world upon theirs. Which leads me to the randomly picked book and paragraph today.

Blake is a marvelous visionary and artist. He inspires humanity to think and brings beauty in reach of our grasp. Jung heals humanity with his depth psychology.

Hitler inverts compassion and goodness. He shows us what the worst part of human nature is.

They all use their unique wills to inspire or destroy.

Blake and Jung show us that humanity is a wondrous reality. They have dived into their unconscious and show us luminous stars and a good conscience.

We find our history and our future with inspired foresight; what it is to do good for humanity. Blake keeps the best and the worst at bay while focusing his will to ascend to transcendence.

Hitler did this too. To understand him, his world, one becomes aware of a trance of darkness; he is a mythologist of national German superhuman qualities…of what it is to be demonically insane! He is without a touch of the human soul or spirit! No sparks make him human. Hitler is the trance of a monster! How can anyone in their right mind address such a hideous freak as him with a salute?

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William Blake ~ Europe, A Prophecy 8

“It is one of the wonders of human existence that a person can live a long and happy life without once becoming aware of the reality of consciousness and its ability to transcend the immediate physical level. At the instant of death, will time suspend its rule long enough for such people to realize what they missed?”

~ Pg. 153 Jacques Vallee, Confrontations; A scientist’s Search for Alien Contact.

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I love Vallee. He is the scientist that places himself in the world of myth, magic and raised consciousness! He does not ignore art or music either. He rings the heart of a compassion that wants to know. He transcends a nationalist myth blending with Blake’s “universal humanity,” or Jung’s “collective unconscious.”

“In his late works, he embodied these and other ills in the nightmare ridden figure of the cosmic giant Albion, or universal humanity, who has fallen into deadly sleep of mundane existence. In humanity’s coma, the divine is a remote and forbidding sky-god: nature a sterile heap of atoms, lovers and family members, enemies; and one’s own innermost being, an unrecognized alien.”

~Blake’s Poetry & Designs ` A Norton Critical Edition.

Spear of Destiny and beyond…

“…unless human beings could live at peace with one another.


“In Goethe’s world conception, which is of a magical nature, both man’s spiritual and physical existence is related to the whole Universe of Stars, Sun and Planets. Just as man is not limited to his physical body, which Goethe conceived as the garment of both soul and spirit, the stars are not considered as simply meaningless massed formed in a three-dimensional space time continuum. Rather, Goethe regarded the heavenly orbs as the outer physical expression of Spiritual Beings, higher nonhuman Intelligences, which radiate spiritual and qualitative forces with their operative orbits.” ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

~Pg. 162-3 The Spear of Destiny by Trevor Ravenscroft

I am whispering in case the heavens are listening. This month the moon, sun, and planets are making a big deal about their place in the heavens.

I get it. It is a lovely galactic symphony. So, come the trials. Some are big and some very subtle and diabolically a pain in the ass. I try to keep sensible and logical, which I learned from my oldest son. It is hard to sometimes be logical and I turn to my passions.  

So, the books start to come. I show a little interest in something from my past and the books will come. Not my doing it is my darn husband.

He has a statistical and chess mind. He thinks that by getting me these books that interest me, he can buy more chess books. So be it. I guess those rosy stories have been whispering in my ear as of late.   As I said, it is that time of the year when chaos can be a good thing but unfortunately now it is discerningly a depraved time in our history.

Yet, from the cracks in the universe we find unique gifts like pearls. I shall go with the flow now engaging my moral courage for months to come.

“And while holding the talisman of power in his hands he told his Aides that mankind was standing on the brink of the most evil epoch in the entire history of the Planet. His young subordinates did not know about the Atom Bomb which was a most closely guarded a secret at this time.

They asked themselves what could be more evil than the Concentration Camps of Adolf Hitler’s defeated regime, and they wondered if their General had finally gone off his head. General Patton lift the bunker beneath Nuremberg Fortress in a somber mood.

Doom was written across the future of humanity unless human beings could live at peace with one another, and Patton could see in all clarity the danger of the new confrontation between America and Russia…Soldiers from the Third Division were standing guard outside the massive steel doors of the bunker in the Oberen Schmied Gasse when American aircraft unleashed the first atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The atomic age had begun.”

Pg. 350 The Spear of Destiny by Threvor Ravenscroft

To my lullaby surrender Warm and tender is my breast Mother’s arms with love caressing Lay their blessing on your rest Nothing shall tonight alarm you None shall harm you, have no fear Lie contented, calmly slumber On your mother’s breast, my dear   Here tonight I tightly hold you And enfold you while you sleep Why, I wonder, are you smiling Smiling in your slumber deep? Are the angels on you smiling And beguiling you with charm While you also smile, my blossom In my bosom soft and warm?   Have no fear now, leaves are knocking Gently knocking at our door Have no fear now, waves are beating Gently beating on the shore Sleep, my darling, none shall harm you Nor alarm you, never cry In my bosom sweetly smiling And beguiling those on high.

Oberen Schmied Gasse.

The Seminary of Praying Mantis Grace

The nakedness of woman is the work of God.

~William Blake


A Grace for your pleasure, she is one of three that inspires the Muses of the arts…