Melancholia, Saturn and Albrecht Durer

The paintings below by Albrecht Durer can assist us to understand the esoteric importance of the planet Saturn. Saturn’s influence on us. “They all incorporate the symbols of Saturn to communicate a basic teaching.” I invite you to dwell upon these images and pine the importance of inward growth especially those who ponder in the world of melancholia.


“Melancholy fury” stimulated the three highest human faculties : intellect, reasoning, and imagination” His observation was that a higher consciousness emerges from darkness.”

[Cornelius Agrippa of Nesheim 1509, from De Occulta Philosophia]

"Melancholia" by Albrecht Durer
“Melancholia” by Albrecht Durer

St. Jerome

“The old man has transformed his gloomy cell into an earthy paradise with LIGHT streaming through the windows… his writings emphasize industry and resolve rather than despondency.”

"St. Jerome" by Albrecht Durer
“St. Jerome” by Albrecht Durer

The Knight, Death and the Devil

“The knight riding on with a sense of purpose…”

"The Knight, Death and the Devil" by Albrecht Durer
“The Knight, Death and the Devil” by Albrecht Durer

Quotes taken from The Saturn Pluto Phenomenon by Joy Michand & Karen Hilverson Pages 3 and four.

winged centaur
winged centaur, Etruscan black figure amphora, attributed to the Micali painter (6th/5th century B.C.)