Hudley’s printer Romanza Bye Bye

That sound I know so well. After creation and then out comes the published satisfaction. The freedom to think, create and print is still a revolution to me. Even if it is only my own little voice under a blue, raining, or black evening sky. My high and our bliss!

A focused effort together. My voice, our voice… gone.

This printer is obsolete. The HP Offset 6230 ePirnter is dead. Just like in the film 2001: A Space Odyssey when the Hal 9000 started to screw up. After about 10 years I gently removed myself from my publishing friend. 

The little sounds you made letting me know that it was you who, with savvy, was moving the planned projects forward. Fresh printed ink on paper. Now I say goodbye… RIP.

A special power-up Super hero from Flopside Comics…

A promise of bliss and orgasmic creative variables for the incorruptible !

You know what I’m talking ’bout!


My Dream Is Real

Today The Seminary of Praying Mantis has just published the first book (chapbook) of poetry.

A great accomplishment for me today. My first published book of poetry. DIY of highest degree with all the respect due to the many others who share their passion. It is just a hell of a happy day… just one step… of making my dreams come true.


That woman walk … A dip thing…


My favorite Marilyn Monroe film is Clash by Night. It is a rather unknown Noir film with leading lady Barbara Stanwyck. The reason I like this film is because Marilyn’s character is so good. She is charming, sexy, cute, and loyal. The beginning of a great dramatic actress. There are some remarkable scenes shared by Barbara and Marilyn. One particular scene I love is when they do a walk tight together.


They connect and do a deep dip walk with long strides. As if the whole world disappears and it is just them on stage. Real vaudeville bump and grind.

Defiantly affirming their place in the world. It makes me cry and feel as if I could join right in. In general, their relationship portrayed in this film seems good, playful, and accepting; the older actress making way for the younger one.

I enjoy studying Barbara Stanwyck’s Noir films. They have that dip into the dark side of reality that is pulling at all the right emotions. There is nothing like her type of Film Noir.


Tell Us the Truth

Sham 69 are playing around. Shows with good and bad reviews. As though my heart does not sense the beating heart of another comrade, from my youthful rebellion, who touches the soil of the land.

Dancing around and around in my room like Rumpelstiltskin around a fire singing these simple words;

These are my first dancing memories of punk rock. As I spiraled into the heart of it… I also spiraled out. Seeing with peripheral vision the shadows of days gone by, I am often pulled again into this guilty, responsibility of a musical addition.

As a succubus that pulls at my firmer soul, I pull it off. I hold by conscience, my individual power and resist this. Jumping into the anger of youthful rebellion. I am not her anymore. Reflective and mature and proud… I can take it. Nothing to prove or take with me…but friendship.

No affirmation of great things to hold on to. As the rogue wave of darkness envelops those we love in death. So too the scene that once was is slowly taken away by this same darkness. Happy for the boys in the band that linger on…for now!!

Mr. Leprechaun’s Ode to the Dandelion

I am sure there are multibillion dollar businesses to kill the dandelion. ~ Mr. Leprechaun.


I noticed that there are dandelions growing in everyone’s garden after the rain.

I am sure there are multibillion dollar businesses to kill the dandelion. ~ Mr. Leprechaun.

I noticed that there are dandelions growing in everyone’s garden after the rain.

I have wild places in my garden where I let the dandelions grow wild again. The birds like them, and the bees and hummingbirds love them. Yellow green sturdy little wild things they are. I love them too. This is an ode to them.

While almost asleep and with the window open to feel the breeze during my nap time, I heard a little story in the wind …

Did you know that if you let the dandelion grow in your garden and on your lawn, it is the perfect place for a little leprechaun to rest; in case they cannot find a mushroom that is? If you walk by and see one drinking, it may very well be dandelion beer. They will ask to share some with you. Their pints are about as big as they are. It would be about a cup full for a human being. So, the story I heard is this and it became strangely intimate.

“If you are kind enough to take a sip of me earthy brew, a couple of valuable gold coins will show up on your front door dear.”

“Really I whispered?”

“Yes, and as you pick up the gold, whisper to the wind how the beer tasted to you!”

“I see.”

“I want the truth lassie. No lies. Then I will give you two more gold coins.”

“I hear you.” I spoke.

“Share this story… if you will, Because I need them dandelions to make me brews!!”

Drink me brew, drink me brew!

Three pints for me and one for you

Dandelions make a great big stew.

Green, yellow and nectar too.

Birds are singing and flowers are wooing.

Feet are dancing and twilight is coming.

We are here to dance and laugh.

Rich with gold, gems, and beer!!

Dandelions here, Dandelions there

Let them grow, let them grow!

Me dear, me dear

Let them grow me dear!!”

‘De trop’, no way !!


KAREN: I guess at this point I am what the French call ‘de trop?’

BILL (smiles) Maybe just a little around the edges.

~ All About Eve,

Either you repeat the same conventional doctrines everybody is saying, or else you say something true, and it will sound like it is from Neptune. ~ Noam Chomsky

The sciences are a good thing. Rover on Mars looking back at the Earth is amazing. Yet reading Dante Alighieri’s biography I find that he studied liberal arts courses, 

“Which offered Latin, geometry, arithmetic, astronomy (actually astrology) and music was to be passionately attached all his life.” Pg. 11

During the Middle Ages science, art and music were not separate as they are today. With astrology, the planets affect us. Now I wonder how our Earth affects those on Mars or the other planets in our solar system?

My point being is that science is a very bare bones reality where all its theories are well supported, at least enough to go to other planets via technology.

I feel what makes Dante so special to me is that he is the perfect person who, at one time, brought together science, art, and music.  He is the perfected human being who shows us that having a soul is part of the human equation of being, and with an honest spirit humanity inspires to know all the stratosphere of human nature.

We are accountable for ourselves in a divine way. A highly creative solution to the problem of humanity!!! Humor included as Mr. Dante is no fool on this matter!!

Oldest son is just starting a physics course today at the local university. We often debate what is real and what is illusion, as two Gemini our Mercury fires up with heated dialogue.

And then there is Neptune. I love Neptune, the color and mystery of its round luminosity. I hear this week Mercury goes retrograde right into the belly of Neptune, astrologically speaking of course.

The week ahead is a time to feel. As Luna waxes strong into Valentine’s Day, it is a time of a kind of inner pregnancy of feelings; it may be a delightful time if we do not anally analyze too much.

I have decided to do the tango with Mercury, Luna, and Neptune this week…a threesome may be fun!! I will go with the flow, dance sweet and low and get it on the go.

Until next time … fin

The Life & Times of Dante by Curtis International / Portraits of Greatness.

All about Eve


A little tango with George Raft !!

Day number 8 of the Holy Days of Christmas

Today illuminate your life by thinking of those friends that most inspire you!!

Red Roses...for Gloria and Shirley Red Roses…

“For Scorpio, the evolutionary aim is to face those shadowy places. To make the unconscious conscious. To break Taboos.”  Hare In The Moon Astrology

The 8th day of the holy days of Christmas brings us to the Hierarchy of Scorpio. This is a primal triad of my astrological signature. Scorpio and Neptune hand in hand are my ascendant rising planets. My life is this motif but not all the time. This takes me to two individual women who are my friends and teachers.

Gloria Hays was the head of the Esoteric Department of the Rosicrucian Fellowship and Shirley Sharp was the head of the Healing Department. This Rosicrucian Fellowship’s foundation is in Oceanside California and is based on the teachings of Max Heindel.

Gloria was a spiritual diplomat of the highest degree. She was a hostess and spiritual adviser and my friend. I use to love to watch Shirley play the organ in the Temple, barefoot. Her passion for music sounded the magic; ascending and descending on those of us sitting in the healing temple. We were surrounded by the 12 Hierarchies. These two women were my champions of  light in the darkness.

It has always been a passion of mine to study the mysteries of life and death; Gloria and Shirley are my friends on this journey.  Today my focus for this holy of holies day is on the two of them as teachers  and friends. Rest In Peace and…

“Tell we meet,

Tell we meet,

Tell we meet,

The Rosy Cross to greet,

Tell we meet,

Tell we meet

God be with you tell we meet again…”

Day three of the Holy days

The hierarchy of Gemini illuminates our hands today.

Mom, camera and Holly 1990's by Hudley
A Flower…Mom, camera and Holly 1990’s by Hudley

“They are to be visualized as flower centers, fragrant, luminous and endowed with the precious gifts of healing, and bestowing benediction” Pg. 11

Yet maybe a nice hug or pat on the back might be more down to earth and human. Anything that we do with our hands we can make it a caring or creative gesture; A moment of conscious awareness in action.

“Be still and Know that I am Goddess [God].” Psalm 46:10

Maia, is the Goddess of May the hierarchy of Gemini.


If I profane with my unworthiest hand

This holy shrine, the gentle fine is this:

My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand

To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss.


Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much,

Which mannerly devotion shows in this;

For saints have hands that pilgrims’ hands do touch,

And palm to palm is holy palmers’ kiss.


Have not saints lips, and holy palmers too?


Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer.


O, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do;

They pray, grant thou, lest faith turn to despair.


Saints do not move, though grant for prayers’ sake.


Then move not, while my prayer’s effect I take.

Thus from my lips, by yours, my sin is purged.


Then have my lips the sin that they have took.


Sin from thy lips? O trespass sweetly urged!

Give me my sin again.”

― William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet

“Thinking Strings” Praying Mantis Has a voice.

Insights and notes through the creative “thinking stings”  from The Eranos lecture series; The Creative Pattern In Primitive Africa by Laurens van der Post

There is a part of our spirit to which this voice of Mantis, speaking from an age of stone to an age of men with hearts of stone, commands us with the authentic tone of eternal renewal..” Pg. 40

I am in the process of reflecting on the lecture, The Creative Pattern In Primitive Africa by Laurens van der Post. The lecture speaks of the Bushmen of the Kalahari desert and their ancient mythologies that happen to include Praying Mantis as their own “Spirit of Creation.”

The Bushmen worshiped the Mantis and consulted him as an oracle. Pg 21.

I include in this post, from the lecture, a poem / lament “by a father of a bushman that lived over a hundred years ago… he was a rainmaker and a magician.” Pg. 38

People were those who

Broke for me the string


The place became like this to me,

On account of it,

Because the string was that which broke for me.


The place does not feel to me,

As the place used to feel to me,

On account of it.


The place feels as if it stood open before me,

Because the string has broken for me,


The place does not feel pleasant to me,

On account of it.

What is interesting to me is though Laurens van der Post naturally brings and weaves the Bushmen and Wolfgang von Goethe together in comparison as to the writing of their particular styles of poetry, I take it further by placing it in the continuity of music which highlights this post in a delightful way. An essence of what this brings together and what it very well means. I came upon a connection or “thinking string’ between Wolfgang von Goethe and the German band Kraftwerk.

The “thinking strings.” This is the process of reconnecting the “thinking strings.”  A continuity of thoughts, dreams, magic, “stories from the wind” and life .

Listen to the music and read the poetry. I am asking for the feelings that it generates in you. It will provoke you.  My hopeful goal is to tie the “thinking strings” together again and to find what may have been lost, which is the spiritual beauty of the Bushmen. The Bushmen are the foundation of this Lecture by Laurens van der Post.  Reading it has had a profound effect on my life. I also wait for the “stories of life before and beyond the moment .”

The Bushmen, Goethe, Laurens van der Post and the Praying Mantis.

The Mantis will sit in an attitude of extreme reverence and contemplation, his head turned sometimes slightly on side as if he were waiting…for the wind to come from far beyond the mountains on the other side of the desert to bring him a story of life before and beyond the moment. …~ Pg. 22.

An English translation:

The sun is chanting his ancient song
In contest with the brother spheres
Rolling with thunder steps along
Down the predestined course of years

On going study of this lecture, I had to edit this from last night because I was very numinous and happy… and at these times perfection is not my goal but communication.