Day number 8 of the Holy Days of Christmas

Today illuminate your life by thinking of those friends that most inspire you!!

Red Roses...for Gloria and Shirley Red Roses…

“For Scorpio, the evolutionary aim is to face those shadowy places. To make the unconscious conscious. To break Taboos.”  Hare In The Moon Astrology

The 8th day of the holy days of Christmas brings us to the Hierarchy of Scorpio. This is a primal triad of my astrological signature. Scorpio and Neptune hand in hand are my ascendant rising planets. My life is this motif but not all the time. This takes me to two individual women who are my friends and teachers.

Gloria Hays was the head of the Esoteric Department of the Rosicrucian Fellowship and Shirley Sharp was the head of the Healing Department. This Rosicrucian Fellowship’s foundation is in Oceanside California and is based on the teachings of Max Heindel.

Gloria was a spiritual diplomat of the highest degree. She was a hostess and spiritual adviser and my friend. I use to love to watch Shirley play the organ in the Temple, barefoot. Her passion for music sounded the magic; ascending and descending on those of us sitting in the healing temple. We were surrounded by the 12 Hierarchies. These two women were my champions of  light in the darkness.

It has always been a passion of mine to study the mysteries of life and death; Gloria and Shirley are my friends on this journey.  Today my focus for this holy of holies day is on the two of them as teachers  and friends. Rest In Peace and…

“Tell we meet,

Tell we meet,

Tell we meet,

The Rosy Cross to greet,

Tell we meet,

Tell we meet

God be with you tell we meet again…”