Daily Prompt: Ready, Set Go

The rain is coming down today. I love the rain. I am sad in my belly about current events. Priests abusing children and getting away with it and bans being pulled for women to fight combat duty.  I think some laws are absurd. I am for equality for everyone this mostly includes children and women. I can not understand any woman who would want to kill, or any man for that matter. I can not understand why a priest would abuse a child when he represents Christ on earth?

So the rain is coming down and the wind shield wipers are moving and the jazz  on the radio is playing smoothly. In this movement of reflection I know what is sane and what is insane. I think that maybe our culture, maybe American society is slowly going insane. It has lost a focus of reality and is absurd and shattered.  I want to help some way. I do it here by writing if I can get one person to think differently. To stop the war machine, to stop the abuse, to stop and think… then the pain is not so bad.

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