Multideity of Philosophies


“There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”

― William Shakespeare, Hamlet

I believe in the above quote completely. I have witnessed it in the many unexplained experiences I have had and through writers of a multideity of philosophies, as the deities of science, philosophy and psychology or things of art and religion. 

These “more things” as the high ideals that we believe in; from conspiracy theory, to strange evil occult directives, or even in the loving brilliance of things viewed thought the eyes of wise clairvoyance!


Currently there is a new hurricane in Florida called Matthew, and so far, it has been blamed on president Barack Obama. Rush Limbaugh has blamed it on left-wing conspiracists. I am reading the Ascension Mysteries by David Wilcock, and I am wondering what the insider government is sharing about this storm. It could be evil extraterrestrials fighting the beneficent extraterrestrials which parallels the current politics between the evil Cabal and the compassionate Alliance. Yet today, I reflect back on a book that speaks of a hurricane in Florida from 1904.


I took The Real World of Fairies off the bookshelf today. It is written by Dora van Gelder. She gives a remarkable firsthand account of a Hurricane in Miami, Florida. It is all included in Chapter 12 of her book. This book was originally published in 1904. Mine is a reprint from the Theosophical Publishing House. My edition is 1978. I originally read it in the mid-1980s. The book is available now at

Dora’s accounts in her book are based on her first person clairvoyance.  She speaks by means of telepathy with beings she calls water fairies, sea angels and angels of the hurricane. She affirms that these beings are involved in a creative work with nature to bring balance. Whether you believe in what she is saying or not, it is very imaginary, profound and poetic. She also holds true to a person concerned about the balance of nature as current scientists are about global warming and climate change.

“…Human beings will inevitable think that the water fairies, sea angles, and especially the angel of the hurricane himself are bad or evil, because to us they have been destroying life. But this is not so. They have destroyed forms, but they have not destroyed the life within the forms, for life cannot die. MOREOVER, THESE BEINGS HAVE PERFORMED THEIR FUNCTION IN ACCORDANCE WITH NATURAL LAW.

Men destroy property, one another and the whole face of nature in times of war or for personal gain, and they read their own motives into nature. But nature has no personal feelings. All this destruction is accomplished impersonally, and even, strange to say, with a feeling of love, because the host of angels and fairies never wanted to kill anything and tries to save as much as possible. How different from war, where we try to destroy everything!”

As many books I have read over time with differing perspectives, Dora’s insights wake me up to the continuity, power and beauty of nature. Her small book is fun to read and I recommend it,  especial the last chapter entitled Hurricane.

The tree which moves some to tears of joy is in the eyes of others only a green thing that stands in the way. Some see nature all ridicule and deformity… and some scarce see nature at all. But to the eyes of the man of imagination, nature is imagination itself.

~William Blake