Lets stop it and take a flip-flopping break !!

Flip-flopping between the left and right side of the brain is a life challenge for most people, including me. I tend to settle in-between, between the paradoxical place of possibilities and blackboards.

Clearly the world is made up of minds that are flip-flopping all the time as well. This may be between analytical mathematics, the economy and buildings with art, music, and rebellion. One can be reflective or critiquing or one can be repulsive or loving.

Everywhere we look one can see the cause and effect of how we think in the environment of our lives.

Observing nature is a good middle ground because it blends both sides of the brain in an amazing way, helping to inspire our imagination as it did Newton while sitting under an apple tree. An apple fell on his head and so we know about gravity.

“Be it as in the story about Sir Isaac Newton discovering gravity when an apple fell on his head as he was sitting under an apple tree might be an invention. It states that decades after Newton’s death in 1727, the French philosopher Voltaire put it in a book, claiming that Newton’s niece, Catherine Conduit, believed it to be true.”

Find an easy blissful place and rest your mind and nature has a way of revealing things to those who take the time to listen. Yet, we tend to take the route of constant noise amplified by some sort of hand-held device which goes straight in our brains.

Let’s stop it and take a flip-flopping break. How can we spend more time in the intuitive part of our brain? Look at the artists, mystics, writers and punk rockers and you may find the answer.

I hope that this does not seem as if I have a preference between the two parts of the brain: because the only time they are not wrestling in my mind is when I am sitting at the blackboard, or while listening to some music, or while listening to the birds sing. A simple singular action can bring one to balance.


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