a rich character

Headaches, no sleep and a palpitating heart with rain and thunder and the dark of an endless night. Today the wind makes sounds ancient and whispering as the Celtic Bards of long ago.

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He has a rich character, our dear Joseph Campbell. His insights into myth, history, art, religion, and our unconscious are telling us such old stories. A book that is a necessity for every person to read is Goddesses, Mysteries of the Feminine Divine

For anyone who wants to know where they came from and solutions to the problems of our current modern times. I recommend this book. But be careful and beware, this book is not a fairy-tale ride at Disneyland.

 It is deeper than our DNA contained in a place beyond time. As above so below, this knowledge is mystical and enchanting.  Which is to say between life and death. It moves one into another place beyond time as the Celtic Bards did. Stories are real and part of all our history. A lovely escort to any study of art, history, science, psychology, philosophy, sociology, and religion!


“When Dante was going through the stages of hell, the first and least horrendous was that of the carnal lovers. Among them were Tristan and Iseult and Lancelot and Guinevere, all the great lovers of all time. And he recognizes one couple, Paolo, and Francesca, and like a good sociologist he called Francesca down and asks,

“How did you get into this condition?”

In the most poignant line in the whole poem [The Divine Comedy], she answers,

“We were reading the book of Guinevere and Lancelot. And when we came to the meeting of the eyes, we looked at each other and read no more in the book that day.”

There they are in what looks like hell to us but the wonderful wise miracle man, William Blake, said in his book of aphorisms, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell,

“I was walking among the fires of hell, delighted with the enjoyment of Genius, which to Angels look like torments and insanity.”

I think that’s the answer. So, what Tristan accepted was the fire of this agony that is love for eternity, and that will be his life in eternity. “

~Pg. 245 Goddesses, Mysteries of the Feminine Divine, Joseph Campbell.