Driven out by the drug war

This reflection is a current response to an article from the Los Angeles Times written by Tracy Wileinson.

The article speaks of Mexico in the fields located in the western Sierra Madre highlands. Here local farmers grow marijuana for the Sinaloa’s cartel. The article focuses on how the Zeta cartel is killing these farmers and is trying to monopolize on this product.. Of course the innocent families here are caught in the middle of this quest for power, which is the sale of this product for profit in the United States. I feel for these people because their government and country does not seem to care about them.

My focus here is on the pattern of power and the ruthlessness of it. I am reading a book now entitled, The Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin which is about the creation and the history of the Federal Reserve. He refers to the Federal Reserve as a cartel. My focus is on the pattern of cartel. Griffin defines a cartel this way, “A cartel is a group of independent businesses which join together to coordinate the production, pricing, or marketing of their members. The purpose of a cartel is to reduce competition and thereby increase profitability. This is accomplished through a shared monopoly over their industry which forces the public to pay higher prices for their good or services than would be otherwise required under free-enterprise competition.

This destructive pattern is a global destructive pattern found all over the world and supporting these cartels, being part of them is the worse excuse of being a human being. Yet , often we have no choice….

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